The True Gospel of Chrishna-Jeseus

The Light of the World

A glossary of rare and unusual words and terms

Below you will find an alphabetical list of the meaning of some of the more unusual words used by the author, together with brief explanations of some of the allusions to Hindu mythology made throughout the text.

Adamantine—as unbreakable and unyielding as a diamond.

Adityas—seven solar deities, the sons of Aditi, the Mother of the gods.

Adumbration—To disclose partially or guardedly; a symbolic representation of something.

Affused—poured out.

Agaphite—a name sometimes given to turquoise stones from Persia, more especially to the fine blue variety. Here it used as a synonym for the colour of the sky.

Agni—Vedic god of Fire, closely associated with Indra who acted as the messenger of the gods.

Alembic(s)—an apparatus consisting of two vessels connected by a tube used for distilling liquids.

Anchorite(s)—one who withdraws from the world and lives in seclusion.

Appulse (noun)—approach; also the act of striking against something.

Apsaras—(plural "Apsarasas"); heavenly maiden; a divine female being.

Armilla—bracelet or ring.

Aswins—the twin sons of Surya, the Sun God; dawn deities.

Avatara(s)—the manifestation or descent of an aspect of the Supreme Deity.

Bulbul—Indian songbird of the family Pycnonotidae, with grayish or brownish plumage.

Celerity—fast, swift.

Chandra—the god of the Moon.


Cithars—plural of Cithar. Ancient plucked string instrument of India, of which the contemporary sitar is a development.

Coherencies—connectedness; the state of cohering or sticking together.

Concupiscence—lust, especially sexual lust.

Contemn—to treat or regard with contempt or scorn.


Cosmothetic—positing the existence of the external world.

Crepusculed—dark, dim, resembling twilight.

Dam—(archaic) mother.

Decretal—of or relating to a command or decree.

Deflucting—running or discharging, usually of liquids.

Dithyrambic—wildly irregular and enthusiastic in form.

Doggerel—worthless verse of no literary value.

Drey—the nest of a squirrel.


Dwapara—(also written "Dvapara"), the third in the series of four Yugas or ages that make up one Maha Yuga or great age. Dwapara Yuga lasted 864,000 mortal years and ended in 3102 B.C. when the present Kali Yuga began.

Effluxion—the process of flowing out.

Fadic (number)—a number to which special planetary or other significance is attached.

Fays—variant of Fairies; nature spirits.

Ferine—wild beast.

Flexuously—bending, winding; full of bends and curves.

Fordone—to bring to ruin; destroy.

Frangible—fragile, frail; easily broken.

Fulgent—shining brilliantly; resplendent; gleaming.

Garuda—bird-like animal deity in Hindu Mythology who is venerated for his hatred of evil-doers and his aversion to snakes.


Hamadryads—devas, fairies; nature spirits inhabiting trees.

Harrase—archaic noun for herd or group of animals.

Himavat—the foothills of the Himalaya mountains.

Hymeneal—of or relating to marriage.

Immolate—to offer in sacrifice.

Indra—the supreme ruler of the gods in Vedic times and the the leader of the Devas. In Brahamanic and later times, Indra was supplanted by Vishnu and Shiva as the most important of Hindu gods.

Jessamine—climbing deciduous shrub or vine with fragrant pale yellow flowers.

Kailasa (mountain)—a peak in the Kailas Range, which are part of the Trans-himalaya mountains in modern Tibet.

Kali Yuga—the present "black age", being the fourth in the series of four Yugas or ages that make up one Maha Yuga. Kali Yuga lasts 432,000 mortal years and began in 3102 B.C.

Kine—archaic plural noun for cow.

Kobolds—gnomes or spirits of the element of earth.

Koel—(Eudynamys scolopaceus) bird; a member of the cuckoo family, found in India.

Luminant—variant of luminous.

Madhusudana—a title of Vishnu, meaning the destroyer of the demon Madhu.

Mantua—garment or robe.

Maruts—gods of storm and tempest; the sons of Rudra (see below). They were the drivers of the clouds, the bringers of wind, the fellers of trees, and the crushers of mountains. They sometimes accompanied Indra into battle, and attended him at his court.

Maw—mouth or opening into something.

Moghra—(Jasminum sambac), species of scented jasmine native to India and Southeast Asia.

Muscadine—grape-like; having a musky flavour and/or scent.

Muliebrious—effeminate or womanly.

Multinomial—relating to, or consisting of more than two names or terms.

Muni—devotee of silence; a sage or master.

Munia—species of finch common to India.

Nandana (groves of)—garden belonging to Indra.

Nautch—intricate, traditional dance performed by Hindu dancing girls.

Necromantic—sorcery, black magic.

NenupharNymphaea alba, white water lily.

Nidor—strong scent or odour.

Nihility—the state or condition of being nothing; nothingness.

Nyagrodha (tree)—(Ficus benghalensis) Indian Banyan tree.

Odorament(archaic) something which gives off a scent.

Oliban—olibanum; frankincense.

Omniform—having every form or shape.

Opaline—resembling opal.

Oriflamme—an inspiring standard or symbol.

Paroquet—alternative spelling of "parakeet"; brightly coloured tropical bird.

Pavonine—of or resembling a peacock or the colours and iridescence of a peacock's tail.

Penetralia—innermost parts or deepest recesses of a place or thing.

Pitris—literally "Fathers". Primeval deities who were the fashioners of material man.

Poetasters—writers of inferior verse.

Poltroon—an abject and contemptible coward.

Popinjay—vain or conceited person.

Pranking—to dress or decorate showily or gaudily.

Prodigality—extravagant wastefulness.

Puissant—powerful; strong; mighty.

Raptore—thief, robber, plunderer.

Ravelled—tangled or confused.

Rishi(s)—Hindu sage and seer.

Rudra—a very ancient Vedic God of storm and wind whose name means "howler" or "roarer". Later, he became associated with the lord of the animals and was the patron of hunters.

Salag-rama—precious stone found in the Gandaki river in Nepal. These stones have special markings such as spirals upon them and are considered sacred to Vishnu. Devout Hindus believe that merely looking at these stones will remove all sin from the beholder.

Samadhi—state of intense concentration achieved through meditation.

Sarabha—a mighty eight-legged beast in Hindu mythology that is part lion and part bird.

Sarangies—plural of Sarangi; an ancient, short-necked, bowed string instrument of northern India. It plays an important role in J Michaud's occult novel of ancient India, The Quest of Ruru, where it is called the "sarungi".

Sees—plural of "See"; the official seat of a bishop and the area over which he exercises authority.

Shoon—archaic plural of shoes.

Soma—synonym for the Moon and also the name of a plant from which a sacred drink was made.

Surplusage—excessive or nonessential matter.

Surya—the Sun.

Suspiration—a long deep breath or sigh.

Thurificating—The act of burning incense.

Urnèd—like an urn or vase.

Vasus—eight deities attendant on Indra, and later Vishnu, comprising day, dawn, fire, moon, pole star, sun, water, and wind.

Vihna—ancient stringed instrument of northern India. Also spelled vina.

Visvakarma—(also written "Vishvakarman")—Hindu Deity, an epithet for Surya (the Sun) in the early Vedas. Later, Visvakarma became associated with many different aspects of Brahmâ.

Wight—creature, thing; from Old English wiht.

Witlings—those who think themselve witty, but lack real "wits" or sense.


This e-text facsimile of The Book of Sa-Heti was published on 5 August 2012.
This glossary © Copyright 2012 & J Michaud PhD.
Last updated 28 March 2017.

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