The True Gospel of Chrishna-Jeseus
Section 3 — Divine Wisdom
34 — The Chapter of the Precepts
A-UM !
1. So the Lord and his Disciples stayed at the village and took up their lodging beside the well for a few days, beneath the protection of the great Nyagrodha tree which overshadowed it.
2. And each day, all day long, the villagers came to the well, adoring the good Teacher and asking questions eagerly, for something deep within had wakened in their minds, as was the intention of the Lord, and they were avid for the words of Chrishna Jeseus.
3. 'Never give way to anger', said he, the wise one and perfect, 'for anger is the passion of fools; it becometh not a wise man.
4. 'If a man do thee an injury, he is but the tool of Destiny, though only if his evil tendencies enjoin him to do thee hurt.
5. 'By whom, it may be asked, is anyone killed?
6. 'Every man reaps the consequences of his own acts, but it is in the power of anyone thou hast treated evilly in this or a previous life to forgive thee;
7. 'As it is in thy power to forgive thine enemies. And if there be any good within the Soul of a man, he will; only the evil take vengeance.
8. 'Anger causes the destruction of all that man has obtained by arduous exertions, of fame, and of devout austerities; and it prevents the attainment of Heaven and Emancipation, and every other compensation for life on earth well spent.
9. 'The great Sages shun wrath; be not thou, then, subject to its persuasion; for mercy is the might of the righteous.'
10. And as the Lord thus spoke, there was heard from between the leaves of the great tree the melodious sound of a murmuration of starlings, and from afar a Koel gave forth his soft call, which rang out like unto a musical undertone of the birds' voices above the well.
11. And Chrishna continued, 'When Brahmâ created the thirteen heavens, with the Lord of a Star in each, to guide and protect his Domain according to his Wisdom,
12. 'This world, which has its own Heaven too, was filled with bliss and beauty, and all men dwelt in happiness and great prosperity.
13. 'But as time went on its way, they became dissatisfied, for every wish was fulfilled as soon as it came to birth within, and there was no thing for which to strive with heart and mind and Soul.
14. 'And there was no need to work, for who that dwells in complete prosperity has any urge to work, unless he came to earth with a definite task which must be done for the sake of the Light and the Truth of the Father?
15. 'And anon it came to pass that men became devoid of thought and energy, and fell ill;
16. 'And where there is neither thought nor energy, prosperity flieth away in the end, no matter how great it be—for work well done after careful thought is the food of happiness and health.
17. 'And it seemed to man that the Sun had lost its gold-brocaded chasuble, no longer High Priest at the noon of heaven's Altar, but mere pale-vested acolyte; and the nights were filled with wakeful dreams and unrest.
18. 'And far from giving thanks for all their blessings, the thoughts of men did turn towards the evil of ingratitude.
19. 'And every man began to hate his brother, and in the end the very Gods were held in scorn, so that they turned away from man and left him to the lesser gods, who hitherto had been enchained within their rightful places,
20. 'And thus unable to wreak their vengeance on this world, for they detested Man, for his former happiness and freedom, and longed on all occasions for the day when their prison-house would be unsealed, and they free to roam the earth at will,
21. 'And fill the world with mischief, as it has always been the case in other worlds of long ago, before this earth was made.
22. 'And so the Sun of the favour of the High Gods sank down, to be replaced by the moon of discontent of the lesser ones from below the earth;
23. 'And ever since each man is against his brother, and true and lasting happiness an ancient fairy tale.
24. 'And Sri, the Mother of all beings, seated on her Lotus Throne, with eyes as beautiful as full blown roses, filled with glorious lights, and She reclining on the breast of Vishnu,
25. 'Did turn away her loving gaze from this sad earth, once so fair a Paradise, but now a heap of ashes, compared with its former bliss.
26. 'She, who is Siddhi, or superhuman power; who is Swadha and Swaha: the oblation and the offering, ambrosial Purifier of the Universe;
27. 'Who is evening, night, and dawn; the embodiment of Power, intellect, and faith: who is Saraswati, the Goddess of Poetry and Letters:
28. 'The beautiful Goddess and Mother and Holy Spouse, whose being is filled with true Knowledge of devotion, great knowledge, mystic knowledge, and that spiritual knowledge which confers eternal Liberation;
29. 'She, who is the very Science of just reasoning, and the Inner Soul of the three Vedas, the Arts and Sciences;
30. 'That great, divine, and most sweet Lady averted her gaze from this earth, and at once it became filled with cries and lamentations, treachery, jealousy and hatred instead of love'.
31. And looking as it were into unfathomable distances, his eyes clouding over, blotting out the sight of earthly miseries, the Lord exclaimed,
32. 'The world is peopled by thee with pleasing forms when it beholds thy smile, and with loathsome beings at thy slightest sign of sadness.
33. 'Who else than thou, O, great Goddess, is seated upon the Throne of the God of Gods, the Wielder of the Mace, which is made up of sacrifice and contemplated by the holy Sages?
34. 'Abandoned by thee, the Three Worlds were on the brink of ruin, but now they have been re-animated by thee in the person of thy Only Son, even I, Chrishna Jeseus.
35. 'Thou art the Mother of all beings; even as the God of Gods, Hari, who is Vishnu, is their Father; and the whole of the Universe, animate or inanimate, is pervaded by thee and Vishnu.
36. 'Oh, Holy Mother, forsake not thy children, thou who abidest upon the bosom of the God of Gods.
37. 'For they whom thou desertest are bereft of truth, and purity, and goodness, and every amiable and excellent quality.
38. 'He to whom thy countenance is turned is honourable, friendly, prosperous, wise, and a hero of irresistible prowess;
39. 'But all his merits and advantages are converted into worthlessness, from whom, beloved of Vishnu, thou avertest thy face.
40. 'The tongues of Brahmâ and all the Planetary Lords are unequal to celebrate thy Excellencies; be propitious to men, Oh, Lotus-eyed, and forsake them no more if this be thy will, and the will of thy Holy Spouse'.
41. And to his enraptured listeners it seemed as if the whole wide firmament smiled radiantly; and as if the scent of myriads of roses overwhelmed with delight the Earth.
42. And the air was dense with most beautiful flying forms, like unto the Golden Bush-Robin, the emerald Cuckoo, the red Munia who wards off plague;
43. The fast-flying, rose-winged Paroquet, the Pied Kingfisher, the sun-flash of the blue-tailed Bee-eater, the brilliant Red Cardinal, flying in great flocks like clouds of living rubies, and many other bird-like forms, never seen before:
44. So splendid were the amazing visions called up by Chrishna's entreaty to his Mother, the Maid of Mount Meru.
45. From the nearby lilac hills came the fragrance of the Sinjib trees, and of Moghra flowers, sweetly scented.
46. And high above the sky was heard the Great Wind of Vishnu's Perfection, roaring through the upper spaces of the Universe, and bearing its countless suns upon its mighty wings.
47. And now the Lord spoke to the villagers again whose minds had been unlocked with the magic key of his divine eloquence, so that they understood his words and knew their import; and he said,
48. 'The man of sin will not turn to the Light, for he knows not how to will.
49. 'But the brilliance of the liberated Self is ever veiled in Darkness on this speck of dust ye call "the earth".
50. 'For if the captive slave should behold that Light, he would rend the Illuminate asunder in his sullen, though raging jealousy.
51. 'Apart from envy the low-born slave feels little; neither joy nor sorrow affect him much, and the one balances the other on his feeble scales of dull consideration.
52. 'He is in an everlasting stupor of life; his birthright from the opiate Deeps which spewed him up to earth.
53. 'Such are the slaves, the low-born ones: for "low-born" means "born-from-below".
54. 'It is the duty of the high-born man, who cometh down to earth from the Upper Realms, to be strong:
55. 'But what man has the strength to resist an overwhelming desire?
56. 'For without the aid of the Lords of Life, neither strength nor courage avail to conquer real temptation.
57. 'Some men rely upon their inner strength and wisdom to overcome all evil tendencies.
58. 'But they are ensnared by the illusion that they themselves are the source of strength and wisdom.
59. 'But such illusionary thoughts are the apologies of those whose Souls and Minds are lurking in the shades of ignorance.
60. 'And such men do not know the Light of god-like Soul, which is suspended like a Star within the dusk of their restricted firmaments—and their eyes cannot behold it, nor know it for what it is if they could.
61. 'There are things of the earth which all can see by means of ordinary sight.
62. 'But there are also higher things, which are beheld upon the outer horizon of hereditary consciousness of former lives upon the earth and in the Heavens,
63. 'And felt at the edge of an inner sense—all our own; and the key to these is held by the All-knowing Soul of Man.
64. 'The man who places his faith in his outer Self comes to despair, and cries,
65. "The straw-rings of my spinning wheel are burst asunder, lacking the oil of the Spirit, and the spindle lies broken upon the floor of my hut".
66. 'Unless that man turns his mind to God, in childlike trust, he will roam within a jungle of despair,
67. 'And should he seek to flee from this life by any wilful act, lo! the jungle he must enter then will be a thousand times more terrible.
68. 'The Heavens, to him, are closed; and many-faced, grim cactus-hedges—impenetrable—confront the rash invader who would seek to enter Paradise, and not be worthy.
69. 'But how can the slave be taught wisdom?
70. 'Shall it ennoble the slave when the Sage drops his wisdom-spangled coat upon his lowly shoulders?
71. 'Nay! he will tear it in twain, and rejoice in its destruction: and the unwise Sage goeth naked by his lack of true Wisdom;
72. 'For the would-be Sage who bestows his Wisdom upon a slave, is not berobed with true enlightenment, but a mere babbler and a dreamer, not worthy of the golden gifts of Sagehood, which should be treasured in the silence, except for an easily comprehended parable or two.
73. 'For the mind of the slave is as barren of understanding and as cold as a flake of ice beneath the dead rays of the moon.
74. 'It is as vain to prate of Wisdom to a slave as it is to sing sacred songs to a waterfall; for the mind of a slave is as burdened with the clamour of his foolishness as the cataract is big with the thunder of its waters.
75. 'The mind of the slave is wrapt in the cere-cloths of the spiritually dead or unawakened; shall the corpse live again if we unloose its swathings?
76. 'The only things which touch the mind of a slave are falsehoods, for those are equal to his inner nature.
77. 'See how the false prophet, the peddler of lies, rages through the wilderness of unbridled imaginations, ever shaking his fantastic spear:
78. 'And the slaves of this world gape at him, male and female, in dumb admiration, for they are all creatures of the dark and can smell their kind from afar, to draw together and hunt the truly enlightened who should dare to speak, in savage packs;
79. 'For they like the savour of unwisdom who are in unwisdom bred.
80. 'The mind of the being who comes down to earth from Heaven to be born as man is as pure as fine flour, ground by the mill-stones of rebirth.
81. 'Therefore I teach unto thee: Let the white-floured meal of the Mind be mixed while on earth with the oil of true understanding and the honey of Wisdom, that the baking shall be soft and sweet.
82. 'Here is a true Teaching which can be understood by the wise and the not-so-wise alike.
83. 'Let crude, sophistic banqueteers of wit display their ignorance when ranting of the Truths and Laws beyond their comprehension.
84. 'Such are the laughing-stock of wiser men, who need no shield to fence them from the witless lance of doctrinaire philosophers;
85. 'Nor ever suffer mortal harm when with some dull opinions, dully pressed with infinite pain by unenlightened minds that grope in thoughtless twilights, filled with phantoms of the lower self, they seek in vain to overwhelm the Sage with platitudes.
86. 'The secret penetralia of hidden Wisdom reveal the surplusage of low pretence within the lower mind of irrational extravagance.
87. 'The true Initiate dieth to this world whilst still within it as a living man;
88. 'For to blend the Mind with the Heavenly World is to die to the illusions of earthly life.
89. 'Such an one liveth in two worlds at once, though he knows that life on earth is a veritable death.
90. 'Such an one is likewise dead in two worlds at once: for his Higher Self is dead to the earth, and his earthly self is dead to the worlds on high.
91. 'He is like unto a miraculous flower, whose roots are buried within the soil, and whose golden head blooms in the Gardens of Paradise;
92. 'Whilst its connecting stem is like unto a living Beam of Light which springs from earth to Heaven, and down from Heaven to the earth.
93. 'Its flower-cup overfloweth with the waters of wisdom and love, and the thirst of its roots is quenched by the moisture which raineth down upon them.
94. 'Such is the Initiate who by faith and works, aided by inspiration, bringing true Enlightenment, dwelleth in Heaven whilst still on earth.
95. 'There are three sorts of traitors in this world.
96. 'They are: the smooth, the whining, and the false tongued pretender to generous deeds, repented of as soon as enacted.
97. 'But their Masters will reward them with gifts of pain, and turn their gilt into burning brass, and their jay-like chatterings into wolf-like howling.
98. 'And the evil man's breath is tainted with the carrion stench of the hyena's exhalations.
99. 'But those who praise the splendour of the Mother, even Sri, or Maia, who appears in many forms according to the forms assumed by Vishnu,
100. 'Or when as Devaki she prays in innocence that Kamsa's wish be granted, and a great Son shall bless his court,
101. 'Or when as Lakshmi, for ever praised by all the Gods, she rises from the Sea of Milk, high in the heavens, that sea of milk-white stars, and comes to birth in form divine which is our Cosmos,
102. 'She, the ambrosial one, will send great blessings, holding misfortune, the fountain of strife in leash, and only happiness shall dwell within the homes of those who worship her perfections.
103. 'It is good to be born in good fortune, or have it sent to thee by the Lords of Life; for those who are born to fortune, come it early or late, are not so liable to the insults of their rivals any more.
104. 'For the Lords will make powerless the enemies of those whom they love, and all their plots shall come to naught. And this is good fortune.
105. 'But a wise man is he who is content with that degree of happiness and fortune which appertains to him on account of his merits, and with the form which that good fortune takes.
106. 'For as no two men are alike without or within, so do all fortunes, good or bad, vary according to the man's merits in this and former lives, and he conform to the place of his descent in higher Heavens, or ascent from the lower.
107. 'And if fortune does you hurt, endeavour to augment thy merits with good deeds.
108. 'Be amiable, pious, friendly towards all, and assiduous in benevolence to all living creatures.
109. 'Yea, verily, I say unto thee that he who worships Sri shall be freed from all error, and enjoy Paradise with Me.
110. 'Whatever be his dignity, whether upon earth, or in Heaven, he shall never fall from it, but shall long enjoy life, possessed of every blessing. Amen.
111. 'Remember always that where the treasure is, there is the heart also, and that the heart and the treasure are One;
112. 'For the heart never yearns for that to which it does not belong, and though the treasure may be hidden from the heart, if it seeks for it in all sincerity it will find it in the end.
113. 'This is comprised in the only true and saving faith, but such simple truths are beyond the understanding of the worldly wise,
114. 'Though the Doors of Salvation are ever thrown wide open to high and low, rich and poor, and even to the lowly slaves if they will only turn their hearts towards the Light, which am I, through my Mother and my Father.
115. 'All such will find a new Heaven and a new Earth, but first they must be cleansed by the Living Waters of the love of the Mother, and the Fire of the Father, that I, their Son, may receive them in my keeping.
116. 'And those who find the treasure of Salvation shall join the Community of the white-robed Saints under the authority of my golden Priests within the Garden of my Paradise,
117. 'Who spread the Wisdom which is personified by the Gods and found within my Teachings, that the Creators may be known by their works in the Light of the Truth, which is the greatest blessing in all the worlds of being.
118. 'Though every man may find his way to Me, not every man can find it in the same manner,
119. 'And therefore I say unto thee: be tolerant of other men's ways if they truly seek the Light, but yet be faithful in thought and mind to the Precepts I have given unto thee in this my Teaching;
120. 'For the Mystery of all my births on earth consists in my Message being couched in different words each time I come: though the inner Treasure is ever the same.
121. 'Let not the ignorant take the lead, and teach their ignorance to other seekers, for this leads into the darkness of the lower worlds, where the blind sit crying by the wayside, and none to give them sight.
122. 'And make no sacrifices unto the Gods, who need them not, except thou dedicate thyself into my keeping;
123. 'For though the savage may adore idols, the wise man turns away from all such foolishness and finds my Image graven on his heart.
124. 'And do not curse the Gods, or utter words of blasphemy at any time when others vex thee and the world and the Gods appear loathsome to thy mind.
125. 'But forgive those who trespass against thee, that thou mayest be forgiven in turn when facing thy Judge and the two witnesses of thy higher and lower minds testify unto thy Soul at the final assizes.
126. 'Preserve the goodness which is inherent in the heart of the high-born man: for the wicked of heart sleep on a couch of cactus thorns'.
127. And the villagers imbibed the words of the Lord, and cried out as with one voice:
128. 'Oh, Chrishna, thou art the Life of the Life and the Light of the Light, and we love thee, who hast stolen our hearts and brought us new life and dispelled our dreams of this world of illusions;
129. 'Taking us by the hand and showing the Way to thy Heavenly Mansion'.
Next: 35 — The Chapter of The Nature of God
This e-text facsimile of The Book of Sa-Heti was published on 5 August 2012.
© Copyright 2012 J Michaud PhD & Last updated 28 March 2017.