The True Gospel of Chrishna-Jeseus
Section 2 — Spiritual Heritage
14 — The Chapter of the Seven Years
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1. And it came to pass when the Lord Chrishna returned to earth again, after his visit to the Heavenly Mansions, that he beheld, seated in a ring around himself, a number of holy Anchorites.
2. And they hailed him, knowing his God-like nature by means of the inner admonitor, whose voice speaks to all who know how to listen; and they knew him to be the successor of the purple-haloed Saint, who, leaning on his arm, had ascended with him to his proper Place in the divine Pavilions on high.
3. And Chrishna's first request to the Anchorites was to attend the final ceremonies in honour of Vasishta, the Lord taking the seven-knotted Staff as his symbol of authority;
4. And they completed the fiery sacrifice, strewing the ashes of the Saint within the precincts and the body of the sacred forest.
5. Then he said farewell to the Hermits, and the Anchorites, and the rest of the holy men, retiring to Mount Meru, there to meditate within its vastnesses, raising the thoughts of his Mind to the high Vibrations, where Wisdom waits upon Sanctity, and the thoughts of the wise are sanctified in Peace Profound.
6. And for Seven Years he dwelt in the Spirit of God, receiving final illumination and holy Teachings from the Voice Within, to pass them on to those men who are ready and willing to receive in turn the great Doctrine for the Salvation of Souls.
7. And it is a true Teaching that during the time he spent in the wilderness of the great Mount, Chrishna practised strict austerities of thought and body, controlling the unruly five horses of the senses and the being that drives them forth, thus acquiring Poise and utter Calm, which henceforth nothing could disturb.
8. For this is meant by fasting and austerities, which is not starvation of the body, or ruthless and senseless suppression of the body's rights, but inner Control and Unfoldment of the Will in wisely balanced restraint.
9. And in his Mind, deep within the secret caves where sits enthroned the Holy Thought, which is the veritable Soul, yet not within the earthly body, he built his Canon of Enlightenment with the golden bricks and silver of the sacred Edifice of the Spirit: jewelled with poetic and high Revelations.
10. And in the vast recesses of his Mind there sat the ancient wish of all Messiahs: to save all mankind and lead it to the Throne of the Father.
11. But his scintillating Intelligence of the greater Self knew that this was not to be; for few are ready for the Master's Word, while many are ready to rend the Lamb of God and lead it to the shambles.
12. But he, as Vishnu personified on earth, who is known by that name, as he is by many others, as the Supreme Lord of this realm of clay and sand, was in his holy personality the sweet Redeemer of all who would accept his sacred Mandate;
13. And this became one of his many titles: The gentle smiling, loving Lord; abounding with understanding of the frailties of wilful men, and women, but tender not to condemn too soon, in spite of all their faults.
14. His Task it was to bring Life and Immortality and make it known in the light of earthly Day—which is Darkness;
15. And he was, and is, a Light in the Darkness, thus enshrouding man on earth with the garment of Wisdom, and so preparing some for higher rank.
16. For his words remain, in many guises, and there is no religion or belief without some of those golden Precepts of Chrishna, the Lord, though none acknowledge it now, because Man has forgotten.
17. And in the loving-kindness of his heart he took upon himself the sins of all the world, offering himself as the Great Sacrifice, that many might be saved and led into the Light of Purity.
18. And in due time his sacred attributes led men to declare that he was verily God, or Vishnu, the Lord of Heaven and the Creator of all the Universe.
19. Thus they spoke in their great ignorance, for love of him and that for which he stood, though he himself the last to make such claims, for he knew them to be untrue, and an exaggeration of his worshippers, who are never satisfied with simple things but must needs embroider even the white robes of the angels, if they could.
20. And men applied to him all the powers of God: believing him omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent.
21. But though that Lord became divinely perfect in many ways, a very Lord of Lords, embodying the wisdom and the power of the Gods, yet was he Man, and the son of Man by the generation of his Mother's mortal body, like all who come to earth, clad in the habiliments of the flesh; and to idolize a man is idolatry indeed—and rejected by the truly wise in spirit.
22. For the body is a screen—no matter how transparent—which obstructs the Light which is too great and luminous to be beholden by mankind on earth.
23. And though such Avatars as he have powers beyond the imagination of mere mortal man born from carnal union, they have not All-Power—for this is God's alone; and we shall see that at the very height of his earthly wisdom there was one who came to instruct him when the time for that was come.
24. And when, at the end of seven years, he knew the time was ripe, he left the wilderness, appearing unto the Anchorites, and the Hermits, and all the holy men who reside in the sanctity of Peace;
25. Standing before them clothed with all the insignia of a Saintly One, filled with Light that streamed without from the Within, dazzling the beholders;
26. So that on seeing him thus come forth they fell down upon their faces, worshipping and adoring him, knowing that a great Luminary stood in their midst;
27. Like unto that great Star heralding his miraculous birth; a Star of Stars; a Sun; and a Sun of Suns, shedding golden rays in the without, to penetrate the Within of his Witnesses, blinding their eyes, but filling their minds with the refulgence of Celestial Blessings.
Next: 15 — The Chapter of Arjuna
This e-text facsimile of The Book of Sa-Heti was published on 5 August 2012.
© Copyright 2012 J Michaud PhD & Last updated 28 March 2017.