The True Gospel of Chrishna-Jeseus
The Light of the World
The record of the only true Messenger of which human history still has some dim remembered tales
Protasis — foreword by the Author
The Flowery Hill
A-UM !

THE PROPHET is seated upon the flowery Hill, beholding the wonders of the Universal Mind within the blue depths of the noon-bright sky. What a glorious Book of Life this is! Its pages swarm with secret histories of all the vanished ages, and of the present, and of the futures, far away.
Which chapter shall the enraptured Seer now commence? For the Book is full of Lights and Shadows, and in its boundless, deep immensities lie treasures manifold of Wisdom and unwisdom both, completing one another beneath the eyes of the great, living Gods.
The reader wavers—but hark! The sound of a flute and joyful laughter, mingled with the undertones of tragic deeds, and sorceries untold till now.
The ravishing glissandos of heaven's harps, plucked by divine musicians, send gleams of opal splendour which shine upon some open pages of the Book;
revealing strange events, entrancing, of age-old most profound sublimity of the Spirit of God, taking on flesh, to sow the seeds of vast philosophies and faiths—
that erring man may err a million times by means of them when on the quest for the Gate which leadeth unto Paradise.
Let us peruse this record of the only true Messenger of which man's history has still some dim remembered tales; distorted by the followers of Him who was the Light, and is the Light of Man, if Man will follow its searching Ray that shineth in the darkness of this sorrow-trampled Earth.
Follow then, if it be that YOU are such an earnest Seeker, and find the WAY and the TRUTH, and the Sun sublime of Liberation: that thou mayest be redeemed from the witching temptings of the earthly garden of illusion, and find the Golden City which blossometh within the House of the Sun.
Some crumbs of the skeleton of this Gospel have been disinterred from that mausoleum of ancient wisdom, The Vishnu Purâna. But the bones, and flesh and blood which form the living structure are Mine.
The Eagle of the Sun shall carry the Word
And he who hath the sign of the Wings—shall proclaim!
AU-M !
Read Chapter 1: The Chapter of Beginnings
About this electronic text
This e-text is a faithful facsimile of The Book of Sa-Heti by J Michaud PhD, first published in hardcover by the Uma Press, in London in 1950. Unlike the printed book, each chapter of our e-text has been given its own web page and the author's footnotes have been placed in the sidebar, directly below the chapter links that appear on every page. Where these occur, they are indicated by an asterisk within the relevant paragraph, which is linked to the corresponding note in the sidebar.
The author's arrangement of each chapter into numbered verses has been retained. There are several spelling and typographical errors in the printed book which have been corrected throughout our e-text. In March 2017, a kind reader identified several further errors (some of our own making!) which had escaped our editor's vigilance; these too have now been corrected. The diacritical marks found in the printed book over some vowels (i.e. â), such as Brahmâ, have been retained throughout our e-text. Such marks indicate that the accented letter should be pronounced in its long form, i.e., Brahmah. The Author's style of spelling Sanskrit words has been retained except where it differs very widely from modern, accepted usage. No attempt has been made to 'modernise' the Author's prose, syntax and grammar, or his use of archaic words and phrases.
We have added a Glossary to the end of our facsimile of the Gospel which does not appear in the printed book for the benefit of readers who may be unfamiliar with some of the rare and unusual words used by the author. We have also included a brief explanation of some of the allusions to Hindu Mythology and Sacred literature employed throughout the text in this Glossary.
Readers who are interested in learning more about Hinduism and the sacred literature of ancient India, such as the Upanishads, Bhagavad-Gita and the Vedas, can find many of these on the website of Sacred Texts. All are free to read online. Sacred Texts also sell a DVD-ROM of their collection of over 1,700 texts, which considering it is one of the world's largest collections of the Wisdom of the Ages, is not expensive at $127, and well worth acquiring.
Although the hardcover book is now long out of print and almost unobtainable, some very few copies of The Book of Sa-Heti sometimes still turn up in the strangest places. So, if you would like to obtain your own copy, it is certainly worthwhile trying the booksellers we list on our Michaud Books page as well as second-hand bookshops in your area.
Some readers have asked whether there is a PDF or Kindle edition of the book. We regret that there are no plans to produce such editions at this time.
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We regret that we do not have a separate version of this book for users of hand-held devices such as mobile phones and small tablets. The ever-increasing number of these devices, many of which render web content in very different ways, make it impossible for us to provide the same, optimum viewing experience for all users. Consequently, we recommend that you view this site on a tablet or home computer with a screen resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels or larger.
This e-text facsimile of The Book of Sa-Heti was published on 5 August 2012.
© Copyright 2012 J Michaud PhD & Last updated 28 March 2017.