The True Gospel of Chrishna-Jeseus

Section 3 — Divine Wisdom

38 — The Chapter of the Birds

A-UM !

1. And after a while, Arjuna, the belovèd Disciple—whose name in after days became John, the beloved of God's Son, the true knowledge of the origin of this latter name now having been forgot, exclaimed,

2. 'Glory to the Sun, the Gate of Liberation, the foundation of bright radiance, the triple source of splendour of the Rig-, the Yayur-, and the Sama-Veds!

3. 'Glory to him, who as the fiery heart of the Cosmos is one with the Cause of the Universe:

4. 'To the Sun, who is the reflector of radiant life, and in whom are concentrated the sevenfold rays of Vishnu made manifest by way of the concealed Brahmâ.

5. 'To him who is one with the notion of Time, and all its divisions, and hours, and minutes, and seconds;

6. 'To him who is to be meditated upon as the visible form of Brahmâ, representing Vishnu, as the personification of the mystic Word.

7. 'To him who nourishes the domains of the Planetary Lords and Man, filling the Moon with his rays, and who feeds the Gods with nectar and ambrosia.

8. 'Glory be to Brahmâ, visible as the Sun, who alone is the dispeller of earthly darkness and of the darkness of his Brothers who circulate around his Majesty.

9. 'To the God who is clad in the raiment of purity, eternal life, and adoration!

10. 'Glory to the Sun, until whose rising man is incapable of devout acts, and water has no purity; and touched by whose rays the world is fitted for worship: to Him who resides in that centre and divine Source of purification!

11. 'I adore the living King of the Cosmos, borne in a golden car, from whose Eye there are no secrets hid, whose banners scatter blessings!

12. 'Who at night descendeth to the realm of darkness, bringing light and many blessings to that realm.

13. 'Who at dawn returneth to this world, and greets the earth with his benevolent smile, wrapt in rosy clouds, and blue and utterly glorious. How beautiful thou art, and far-gleaming and strong.

14. 'Oh, thou Lord of the golden surface that giveth life to everything that grows upon the shining worlds around thy Throne, reflecting thine eternal perfections.

15. 'Thou who art the beginning of life, as the Moon is its end, adored by the wise and pure in heart.

16. 'When thou art absent from this earth, the evil things of night do creep about, and the serpent and hyena set out upon their noxious errands, to flee when thou returnest in the morn, to hide within their holes and onyx-shaded corners.

17. 'Oh, thou wonderful shield of God, do not conceal thy visage from the worshippers of Him of whom thou art the outward seeming—the toga and investment of the Lord; the image of that mantua of Vishnu whose ray-glory no-one can behold and live.

18. 'Hence, in His mercy and His loving-kindness He has given power unto Brahmâ to model his throne on that of the Lord Supreme.

19. 'How amazing art thou, O Sun; thou Soul of our living Cosmos; Soul of the worlds around thee.

20. 'The morning greets thee, blushing like the maiden who beholds the unexpected lover; the sea and all the waters reflect thy glances; the birds and insects sing and hum with pleasure when thou arisest from the darkling sphere which is the nether realm of earth.

21. 'Oh, lustrous one, so full of majesty, disperser of mists and clouds which first thou paintest in tints of vermilion, green and purple as they drift above the proudly rising mountains and the sea.

22. 'Oh, Crown of the firmament and brightest fountain of ever-changing colours which in thy rainbow concentrated are; thou blessed King of splendour; thou golden anvil upon which God does hammer out His miracles of Life and Light!

23. 'Thou whose Seed resideth in the heart of man, and in all living things that move, or stay moveless without action.

24. 'Thou Ruler of all the worlds, Father of kings and of men and of beasts and all things that show no outward life:

25. 'I adore thee, and love thee, and offer unto thee my humble worship from the heart which liveth not without the blessings of thy utter Power!'

26. And the Lord, even Chrishna, smiled benevolently upon Arjuna, the Brother of his heart and mind, who dwelled with him in Heaven before this world was made.

27. And the Disciples heard, and said, 'Amen! A-um! So be it. Glory to the threefold Sun, the symbol of Vishnu and the two Brahmâs!

28. 'The House of our Master, where dwell those who listen to his words, and follow him to be enfolded in the beauties of his Paradise!'

29. And they bowed unto the Lord, who gave them blessings, embracing Arjuna with the holy kiss of the Master for his Disciple, who has proved his worthiness.

30. And it was as if they stood in the midst of a vast forest, in the centre whereof there stood a huge Tree, the primitive Veda, divided into parts in every Age the world has seen by the Lords of Wisdom who govern the earth in the name of God.

31. And around that King of trees stood eighteen other trees, the Puranas to be, great books of learning, made by the royal Rishis, and the divine Rishis, and the Brâhman Rishis;

32. And millions of lesser trees there were, the branches and the twigs of Royal Veda, and its four main stems, and its sub-division.

33. And the trees had countenances like unto godly men, and wise men, and royal men, and of those whose hearts are filled with love and light and learning; men who are for ever on the Quest after the Light and the Truth; often erring, as all men must, according to their limited capacities, but beloved by the Lords of Life for their earnest endeavours and devotion to the cause of God.

34. But the royal Tree of the Great Veda, the progenitor of all Wisdom, stood out very high above the rest, reaching into the very Heavens from which once it sprang in splendid beauty.

35. And the trees swarmed with birds within their foliage, and birds beneath their branches upon the ground, and birds flying above the trees, uttering loud cries.

36. There were good birds and evil birds; the good being the earnest followers of the Lord, who seek the Light and the Truth.

37. The evil ones being those who stalk the good, and prey upon their innocence to drag them down to profitless deflections:

38. As the Goshawk pursueth the gazelle and the hare; or the White-eyed Buzzard who, like a cannibal devours its weaker kin;

39. The lizard-devouring Owl; the nest-robbing Crow; the Woodpecker who steals the nest of Sparrows and pert Mynas—though the Myna fearless and pugnacious, like unto the true Pupil who defends the Master from attack.

40. There were birds as friendly as the Kashmira House-martin; or as sly as those who make their nests in the disused drey of a squirrel, being too lazy to build their own;

41. There were herds of Cranes; waddlings of pink-headed Ducks; Yellow-eyed Babblers—representing the Seeker who discourses upon divinity whilst held fast in the mud of ignorant superstition.

42. There were industrious Taylor Birds, like those who sew and stitch with diligence in order to build them a white garment to wear in Heaven;

43. Grey Hornbills and Paroquets competed for holes in the white Siris trees, as priests without the true vocation compete for profitable Sees.

44. There were sharp sounds, like the call of the Whistling Teal; cooings of the Red Turtle Dove; and their voices were like those who dispute with their Master with impertinence, or the Disciple who speaks to him with veneration.

45. The White-cheeked Bulbul and the Painted Partridge dwelt in amity, as do the faithful followers of the Messenger, in love and harmony; while the Golden Eagle of the Himalayas, and the Imperial Eagle, slow-moving like a great, hulking Kite swam in the upper air.

46. And the foul Brahmani Kite , devouring garbage and crabs, like the seeker after the Dark Mysteries, who grovels in slime, hoping thus to acquire power—all those hopped heavily about; and just above the trees was seen an evil shadow—the threat of the demoniac Black Eagle, ready to carry away the well-filled nests of smaller birds, to feed at leisure: as the Evil one slinks about and steals the victim of his wiles, to devour him in the lower chambers of his darkling cavern of despair.

47. Ominous things crept silently in the shadows of the branches, like the mygale spider who kills the martin in the night.

48. For it is the fate of holy books to become the prey of robbers who steal the texts and parade them as their own, though the wisdom they thieve is never digested in their warped and stunted minds.

49. And the thief of holy Wisdom is no more particular in his tastes than the leopard, who takes the ox or the sparrow.

50. And oft they swallow the Scriptures whole, to swell with indigestion, as the bull-frog who swallows the robin.

51. And all such robbers meet in open conflict and wage a ruthless battle among themselves for succulent collations in the way of witlings with a heavy purse: like unto the Eagle who kills the fatted Crow.

52. And this was what Chrishna meant when warning his Disciples that all their work would come to naught in the end, except for the few, in the Night of the Kali Yuga Age of Ages.

53. And as the inspired Disciples beheld that vast forest of Sagehood's enterprise, their minds were filled with forebodings of evil things to come;

54. And within their inner ears resounded the voices of false Messiahs of future days: holding forth with utterances as melodious as the grinding of two millstones.

55. Modest they are as the Peacock flaunting his finery; swift as the snail to forsake the darkness for the Light; honest as the lurking robber by the shadow-haunted dell.

56. Their greedy maws breathe fire, as do the jackal's spittled chops when fleeing in the dark, his fangs close shut upon a piece of carcass meat, his mouth a gush of bluish flames which light the curtains of the night.

57. Why do the Crows cry out so mournfully with sadness-laden plaints? Ah, me!

58. Are they mourning for the times of disaster that lie close to hand, though yet hid by future's crepusculed veil?

59. But hark! Here are the fluting notes of the Myna as he watches for his mate upon the tree; and see the elegant starling stepping daintily in search of hidden life behind the leaves of creeping vines upon the grass!

60. Emerald Parrots gleam upon the darker green of the trees, for night had fled with amazing celerity, and the morning blue of the gently shimmering sky shed soft illuminations on the landscape where stood the Lord with his Disciples.

61. The mystic, Vedic trees had vanished, and the early light shone upon the little group which silently had bided in the midst of holy visions, the world forgotten like the evanescent dream it is.

62. And they bowed toward the East, the home of Wisdom, and looked with loving eyes upon the Lord,

63. Trusting him, the Saviour of Man, and knowing deep within that though evil must have its day, goodness will prevail at last by the guiding hand of the Master.

Next: Section 4 — Appulse of Crises39 — The Chapter of The Kali Yug


This e-text facsimile of The Book of Sa-Heti was published on 5 August 2012.
© Copyright 2012 J Michaud PhD & Last updated 28 March 2017.

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