The True Gospel of Chrishna-Jeseus
Section 3 — Divine Wisdom
36 — The Chapter of the Wheels of Time
A-UM !
1. The next day the Lord and his Disciples left the village and went upon their way, accompanied by the blessings and praises of the good people. And the Disciple Pushparna, much perplexed, asked Chrishna (in spite of what the Lord had said about this) why he had told those simple villagers such elevated things.
2. And the Lord replied as they walked along, ever patient with his pupils when they asked sincere and relevant questions, saying, 'Do not mistake the simple of mind for the ignorant;
3. 'For it is the mind of the person who lacks simplicity, having stuffed himself full of superfluous ideas, lacking cohesion, which is the ignorant one, because his thoughts cannot be correlated, as they are unrelated to Truth. Yea, verily, such a mind is truly devoid of understanding, and dwells in non-comprehension.
4. 'The ignorant man is too bewildered by the facts of life he cannot grasp—for all material facts are different from what they seem to be—to be able to go to the core of any Teachings containing Truth, or being Truth;
5. 'For all he sees is the outward covering, while the spark within the Truth is to him like unto a doubly veiled darkness, as it were.
6. 'Because a man lacks education, if such an one be pure within, and without guile, he is not necessarily a fool.
7. 'And even if he were a fool, yet simple withal (for the mind of the average fool is more complicated than the mind of a Sage), he is the right material to mould into a semblance of enlightenment, leading to understanding.
8. 'Thus does the proper Teacher—if the pupil is willing and attentive—gather grapes from thorns and make the weed resplendent as the rose.
9. 'Embalmed in the amber of memory there lies concealed the knowledge of a man's descent.
10. 'Good words, and kind, may call forth those ancient memories, and the awareness of previous lives on earth; this is true Teaching, in a certain way.
11. Once this is done, the pupil is ready, and he knows the Master hath come at last. And after a while, if the pupil is loyal, and remembers the words of his Master (and there lies the crux of the matter), he may himself break the shadowy, but nevertheless strong fetters that bind his Higher Mind to earth.
12. But the false pupil faileth, and does not know the Master; or he fears him, because he hateth right instruction.
13. 'And then he resembles the creatures of the jungle, and the craven centuries slink by on padded feet and disappear in the night of eternity, leaving him behind, like mud is left by the receding tide.
14. 'No longer lit by the splendid Sun of his Master's imperial countenance, alas, those witless wraiths of thoughtless, dull disciples, who wander beneath the un-ageing skies for a while, their little minds filled with unsolvable perplexities—they come and fade, to come again and fade once more, a thousand times repeated, like the empty shadow-forms they are.
15. 'Oh, the cheating, elvish mockeries of transient nebulosities which such poor men deem everlasting truths!
16. 'There is no progress for such beings, for the thundering Wheels of Time are by them halted by self-created calamities; and the Wheels stand still for them, and move not, and their inner selves cannot advance upon the path of evolution.
17. 'The rose of dawn, to them, is but a blood-stained vapour haze;
18. 'The song of beauty sounds to them as if it were a gong of warning, clanging hoarsely like a cracked old campanula; for they cannot know or see the sun of true perception, which rises on the horizon of a simple man when he understands his Master's words within; and Time, for him, exists no more; all being now 'awareness'.
19. 'To all ye who follow me I give a solemn warning:
20. 'When I am gone, do not permit thy fixity of Soul to suffer from the blight of vagrant musings;
21. 'And drift in thought towards strange gods, and teachers who have left the Path of Truth (if ever they were upon it), and strayed to the illusions of the worlds entranced by witcheries which issue from the Moon.
22. 'But be steadfast in thy devotions, and loyal to thy present purpose—which leadeth to thy Liberation and that of thy dream-engendered kin.
23. 'For of false gods and teachers there is no end, and their tongues wag without ceasing: but their precepts lead unto the charnel house of the worlds enthralled by Soma'.
24. And the Master ceased speaking; but to his Disciples it seemed as if his words became plumes of fire, which waved in the still air, tumultuously, with a flame-like energy of their own: omens of the future.
25. And strange presences seemed to roam in the sky; and they conversed in unfamiliar whisperings.
26. And their amazing auras were like transparent wings which undulated up and down, shaking soft odours out of their angelic feathers.
27. Above the crests of the distant, lilac hills there drifted weird mists in restless, internal agitations;
28. As if they were the false thoughts of the erring teachers of which Chrishna spoke before.
29. It was a moment of mystery; for on the evening of that day there was heard the sound of singing in the air.
30. But common men heard it not, and the daylight silvered away into night, unlustred as yet by stars; but the songs resounded without ceasing, and the men whose inner ears were attuned to the spirit, heard the sounds, and listened entranced.
31. And the little song-birds, whose nests are cradled in the twisting timbrels which fan their delicate brood, heard, and twittered softly in reply.
32. For there was a mighty stirring behind the secret veils, for great events were straining to come to birth.
33. Behold the dark blue meadows of the skies, where every star is like a pranking daisy, or like any enchanted flower of the night.
34. But the common men could not see that glory; for as the Angel of God, who dwells in the Gardens of Heaven feeds on beauty:
35. So does the ass prefer thistles, and his garden is a stony desert, his proper feeding ground; and the world of common men is irked by beauty and the poet's song.
36. The common man's ideal is to weigh all things and measure them, thus hoping to find their secret properties.
37. But it is not possible by piecemeal reckoning to compound the wonders of the all-seeing Spirit, freed from earthly pre-occupations.
38. The slow river of stars is filled with golden grains; each grain a God, supreme and beautiful, when seen with the eye of the Spirit.....
39. And the Lord and his Disciples stood still within the night, and they were standing near unto a sandy desert.
40. The Moon was up, and beneath its night-potent light, the crystals in the sand shone and glittered like unto an ocean of stars.
41. And it was as if a host of joyful spirits danced upon that luminescent surface in abandoned ecstasies of gladness.....bewildering and amazing sight!
42. These sands and that dance are not earthly treasures; but what then?
43. Will it soften the pain of the lashes of hard experience if we drench the wounds with golden opulence?
44. And what matters the insane clamour of the lowly mob when we behold the Angel who resides within the simplest thing?
45. Can the image of a false god replace the memory of the Beloved?
46. Shall the shrilling of hate-maddened eunuchs drown the sound of the sonorous Gong of the Soul?
47. See how strangely coloured are the birds which fly in the heavens of the Mind!
48. Crimson-feathered they are; with beaks of gold; and they flash by like the sudden gleam of a flame which springs untamed from a smouldering pyre;
49. Rejoicing in its sudden freedom, unforeseen by the imprisoned spirit which bided within the log of wood:
50. As the holy Spark of Life rejoiceth when it is released from the cage of the body—provided no loved one is left behind to mourn.
51. Behold! It is Free! Gleaming like the red flamingo standing by the sun-reflecting waters, and silver-glittering like the osprey darting over the emerald field.
52. Yea! It was a strange night; and the Vessels of the Upper Realms distilled ineffable wines,
53. Which now evaporate and fall like sprayful mists upon the worlds of being.
54. Translucent are the little drops, so slowly sinking or so swift towards their fated destination,
55. And now absorbed within the planetary earths and skies, to be reborn again in many forms;
56. Each shape a God-to-be; each tiny speck of mist contains a holy fire; how shall it blossom forth? What be its splendour, or its unleavened ugliness?
57. For every drop is too a Number; and all are numbered, as the sparrows which fly in the air;
58. And no drop can fall into the thirsty earths unless it be according to thy Will, O Lord of Lords—Incomprehensible!
Next: 37 — The Chapter of The Holy Vedas
This e-text facsimile of The Book of Sa-Heti was published on 5 August 2012.
© Copyright 2012 J Michaud PhD & Last updated 28 March 2017.