The True Gospel of Chrishna-Jeseus

Section 5 — Sublimation

49 — The Chapter of the Great Sacrifice

A-UM !

1. And after the solemn Sacrament was over, Chrishna and his Disciples left the city, and he bade the multitudes to disperse and return to their homes and attend to their rightful duties.

2. For though a man should always fix his mind on Heaven, the duties of his earthly life are real, and must never be neglected, for this leadeth to rebirth.

3. So the Lord and his Disciples returned unto the silent pool nearby, to rest amidst the witching fuchsias who shake their crimson bells with every breeze.

4. And then he gave his Pupils the final instructions, to carry on the work when he was gone, and spread the age-old Message, which is ever new to the younger Souls generated within the Realms of earth below the Moon.

5. Whilst those who come from Higher Realms needs must awakened be afresh in every incarnation, so that the outer mind may learn to attune with the things and Laws of Heaven.

6. For Higher Mind is in a sleeping state when linked with lower mind and body, and must be taught each time to know the actual difference betwixt the waking and the sleeping state, and know them for what they are.

7. This is the great secret of the wise, who thuswise learn to know that earthly things are tools with which to educate the inexperienced.

8. It was late in the afternoon when the last Teaching was ended, and the shadows of the trees stretched far upon the soil, as the sleeper prepareth for the night within his cosy bed.

9. The Disciples were very restless in their inner minds, and Vasu, a male Disciple, turned unto the Lord and asked,

10. 'Dear Master; we know the Laws thou hast entrusted unto us, but yet there is a thing which puzzles us mightily, and on behalf of all I seek enlightenment upon this thing.

11. 'We know that when thou speakest, all men must listen to thy words, and the minds of the many become like unto the mind of one, which is thine own, and thou swayest the multitudes and playest upon their thoughts like unto the virtuoso of the Vihna, who holds enthralled his audience with the power of his genius.

12. 'But none of us, except Arjuna, can claim to have this genius, or this power; how then shall we hold the multitudes in thy name when our true work of spreading Light begins?'

13. And the Lord beheld the good Disciple with approval, for this question was a vital one, showing too the humble spirit of his Followers, and this is ever pleasing to the Teacher of the Mysteries.

14. And the Lord replied, 'He who bringeth the true Light, speaking in the name of Me, shall be like unto an instrument with many voices;

15. 'And when he speaketh, each voice will find its mark within the worthy ones who seek the Light and Truth.

16. 'Each of his listeners will feel that he alone is the recipient of that Light and that Truth, and his inner mind will answer to the voice he heareth within, so that the Truth of the Light will illuminate the darkness of his understanding—if he be worthy.

17. 'It needs no genius to reach this end, but only inspiration from on high; taking mental form below in Light and Truth, carrying the listener on high in turn.

18. 'For know that the man who speaks of things of Heaven, is attuned with that Realm Divine, and the Light of Paradise will shine within his being, and be turned into speech, full of Wisdom and true sympathy.

19. 'And sympathetic utterance must find its mark, for within the inner Self of each there is concealed a True Light, however dim it be in some, and the Light which is carried by the voice of the Messenger will help to set ablaze the Light within the breast of all his hearers in very Truth.

20. 'And as all Lights are kin, for the Source of True Light is ever the same, he sways the multitudes so long he speaks of Truth, and they will answer truly to his every word and shed the Light of Sympathy in answer to his message.

21. 'This makes them one with him and one with Heaven for the moment; though that which happens afterwards no man can tell.

22. 'For few can hold the Light for long, or the Truth, but something must and will remain within each mind.

23. 'And as the little spark may be the cause of a great forest fire, so may the little spark of Truth and Light become a Beacon which will drive away the shadows which enwrap the thoughts of every man or woman.

24. 'This is a Law; but know that every Law may be the instrument for good or evil, so that when sinful men rouse up the lower passions of their hearers by speaking to their lower minds,

25. 'The nether part of the double flame within the man may also become a fire, but this an angry furnace of destruction instead of a holy means to Salvation,

26. 'Leading to riots and seditions, tumults, uproars, and revolution.

27. 'For the agitator of the mob is likewise inspired, but from the lower Hells, and those who hold their sway within those regions.

28. 'But this leaves in its wake eternal death or punishment, whilst the orator who speaketh in the name of the Great Light leadeth his hearers unto eternal Life.

29. 'But shall the orator waste his gifts by revealing divine oracles unto a toadstool?

30. 'And is the mass of humankind not like a rankling fungus-wood?

31. 'Behold those fungi crowded into vast assemblies, each toadstool blown with corpulent pride in the puny things his stunted mind conceives in moribund wonder!

32. 'But the words which flow from the lips of the true Messenger with the eloquence of an inspired Angel,

33. 'Sound to the toadstool's mind like the noise of a shower of pebbles mischievous urchins throw....

34. 'And the toadstools shiver with the aversion of affright,

35. 'And nod to one another with disgust's indignation should the Teacher discourse on godlike miracles his meditations have divined.

36. 'Therefore: speak only to the seeker who comes to thee and see if he be worthy; nor seek thou out thyself the enquirer upon Wisdom, but let him find thee by himself instead.

37. 'And leave the rest to wear their toad's-caps, devouring toad's meat 'midst the turmoils of their false tranquilities;

38. 'That thou mayest remain unknown to them and dwell in Inner Peace.

39. 'Be sure that when thy tasks begin, that the Light and the Truth will ever be thy Guide, so that thou mayest speak without fear, and even without texts prepared, and my Spirit will be with thee, and lead thee aright'.

40. Meanwhile the shadows had deepened, but within them lurked the knave whose Fate it was to slay the Lord at the behest of Kadru.

41. He crept along as soundless as the falling dew, subtle as the slavering serpent, and cunning as the adder-striking lightning flash, emerald-eyed.

42. Besides the Lord who knew all things by inspiration, none knew of his coming; but suddenly,

43. Like unto the lotus-loving bee, darting from afar towards the object of his desire—so streaked the traitorous arrow into the heart of the Lord...

44. His bosom bared, as if it were a shield to guard the Message, so sat the Lord awaiting his release.

45. Now he is the stricken victim which lieth upon the dust of the earth;

46. He, the Lord Divine, now an object for the taunts of his enemy.

47. But after the deed was done, the slayer stood like unto one petrified by a sudden surprise, and Akruna, the messenger of the Patriarch and Anchorites, leapt to his feet, and was upon the murderer before he was aware; and struck him dead with the same sword which killed the cowardly king.

48. But the heavens were filled with the faces of Angels, each murmuring the beloved name:

49. 'Chrishna! Chrishna!' And at each utterance those words became rose-petals,

50. Fluttering down to earth; and sweet perfumes, manifold, rained down and scented the air with an unbelievable delight, and the dark sky became a mass of colours.

51. And every breath of wind became a melody of music and the zephyrs sang sweetly.

52. And in the heavens shone suddenly a long-tailed star, no man knowing whence it came; and it flew towards the western horizon in which there hung a pearl-tinted bank of mist on which the moon shone with her lustre, awakening soft tints upon those vapours.

53. And the star had a face like a god-like one, and its eyes stared sternly towards the earth whilst it passed over.

54. And the star reached the horizon of the clouds and entered within them, and was seen no more by man, as no one had witnessed its coming.

55. These be great Mysteries beyond the power of man's understanding.

56. And the hills cried aloud, as if their indwelling spirits were disturbed with unendurable pains.

57. And shadows flitted across the valleys, hastening, as if pursued by angry ghosts.

58. For the high mountains and the seas, and all the earthly abodes of man, and all beasts were stricken with a sudden loneliness, as if a loved one had departed from the familiar abode, to return no more.

59. Or, as if a great Light had left the darkness, and the darkness swooned with fear when the Light shone no more upon it.

60. And by the silent pool, where the fuchsias shake their crimson bells in the wind, there lay the body of the Holy Saviour.

61. He, who came to give the Golden Message to redeem the world of men, he lay there, forsaken by all upon the earth.

62. For the Disciples, and Akruna, were like men bereft of sense and knew not what to do in their bereavement.

63. But there was a sudden stirring beneath the soil, as if a million sleeping seeds had sprung to wakeful life at the urge of a mighty Spirit of Creation.

64. And great clumps of saffron flowers sprang up and covered the body of the stricken Lord with their petals, rapidly shed.

65. And thus the Lord, even Chrishna Jeseus, the Light of the World, had gone home at last to the Divine Mother, whose lips reflect the light of the Moon;

66. Whose ear-rings are as bright as the Sun; who is resplendent like unto the host of stars;

67. Whose hands wield the rosary, and hold the Book of Universal Laws;

68. Whose holy Will dispenses pleasure and maketh to cease all pain.

69. She, who ruleth the Waters of Existence, and stills them, or maketh them whirl in rapid eddies.

70. She who restoreth the broken harmony of all the worlds and resolveth their dissonance into peaceful beauty;

71. Whose eyes behold friend and foe alike, and who is the abode of fearlessness and power.

72. She, who is the fountain of poetic inspiration; nay, the very Alphabet of Revelation,

73. And personifieth the three kinds of syllabic instants: the short, the long, and the prolated, lasting for one, two, or three instants respectively,

74. Giving the rhythm of life to the poet's speech; turning the night of ugly ignorance into the day of wise splendour:

75. To her, the cause of all goodness and comeliness, the Son had returned.

76. But the Disciples, led by Arjuna and Akruna rushed to the city, and proclaimed the awful deed.

77. And the people rose up in anger and stormed the palace, and broke the portals of the hiding place of the black queen and the priests of the evil flame,

78. And led them forth unto the market place, and hanged them, doing Justice.

79. For true Justice is like unto the equipment of the many-handed goddess who wields the sword, the trident, the mace, the conch, the bow and arrow, and the weapons called Bhushundi and Parigha by means of her invincible will.

80. And perfect Will is the great Power which binds down and lifts up, restrains and releases, rewards and punishes, and it cometh direct from God, to use or misuse according to the nature of the God or the man.

Next—read the final chapter: 50 — The Chapter of The Flowery Hill


This e-text facsimile of The Book of Sa-Heti was published on 5 August 2012.
© Copyright 2012 J Michaud PhD & Last updated 28 March 2017.

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