The True Gospel of Chrishna-Jeseus
Section 1 — Youth
12 — The Chapter of The Storm
A-UM !
1. Now, that same day, the king opened his mind to Chrishna, his trusted Minister of State and Driver of the Chariot, speaking to him, and saying, 'Know, Chrishna, that I am beset with enemies and that the thoughts of my soul give me no peace;
2. 'For I am cursed with a mighty curse, and my queen, and my people, and my lands lie under that selfsame curse, ever since the day when a powerful and evil Magician, who dwells in secret in a forest, came to my palace, and placed a burden upon us all, too heavy to bear.
3. 'And his name is Vasishta, a very aged and cunning man, full of wizard powers, hating me and my queen, my peoples and my lands, for he is devoured by envy, and would take my throne, and my life, to tyrannise my peoples and tax the land to wreak vengeance upon the good, and the noble, and oppress the poor.
4. 'Yet has thy presence reassured me somewhat, and so long as thou art near me I do not fear his might.
5. 'But this is not enough, for he may yet strike us all down suddenly, even thyself, without warning, and we must go, thou and I, to his lair in the wilderness of trees where he cohabits with the wolves, and the tigers, and all the vermin of the wilds; and we must find him. And I have spies who know the hidden paths, who can bring us to his den.
6. 'But there is great danger in this, for with one glance of his dread eyes he can kill, like the swift stroke of the battle-axe of an unseen enemy, lurking in the dark, catching the unwary and cutting his ray of life away from him before the victim is aware.
7. 'So when we reach his place, and he comes forth in answer to our challenge, strike quickly, and kill him dead before a single spark from his demon eyes can reach thee; or, mayhap, he should loose this tongue, and curse thee with his malice.
8. 'But do not kill him quite at once, for I want to ask him somewhat, having a beloved sister, a royal princess, who imprisoned is by him, and whom I wish to free, to save her life.
9. 'And her name is Devaki, and she has a son whose countenance I have not yet beheld, nor do I know his name.
10. 'This too I wish to learn, so that we may go forth and find him, and honour him according to his rank, and upon these mysteries depend the Fate and the Peace of myself, my queen, my peoples and all my realms—nay: my very life and the lives of all who are herewith concerned'.
11. Thus spoke the malevolent and subtle king, and Chrishna smiled grimly, believing all those lies, saying proudly, remembering his previous deeds of valour, and thus speaking to that crafty, ruthless king:
12. 'Fear not, your Majesty, for I who did not hesitate to slay the mighty Serpent Taptakumbha bred, which all men dreaded with a great and awesome horror, am not afeared of that old wizard in the woods;
13. 'And whatever be his secrets, I will wrest them from him and take his life'. Thus he spoke in his innocent trust in that artful king.
14. And he added to his previous words, 'A brave man overcometh all the world, if everyone within it were his deadliest foe, if he but fix his faith on Mahadeva: for his might is greater than all the worlds of men and gods combined, and he saveth the man whose Soul loveth without any doubt the Soul of Vishnu'.
15. And a sarcastic smile flitted over the face of the king, but they set out, guided by a spy who knew the way, and the chariot was swiftly drawn by the mettled steeds, whinnying with eagerness and filled with fire as it were.
16. The great rains had started, and the rivers were in spate and the ways of the woods heavy with creepers that coiled their path across the tracks like snakes, immense in size.
17. When they reached the forest where dwelled divine Vasishta, the sky was veiled by heavy clouds, and a misty rain descended on the land, penetrating and cold.
18. And Chrishna saw, and wondered at what he beheld, and turned to the king who sat beside him in the chariot, saying, 'Why is the sky masked by these extra heavy clouds, darkening the land, and making the forest appear like unto a black night? Never have I seen such clouds, even during the time of the greatest rains, and they look ominous and full of evil portent'.
19. And the king mocked at Chrishna, saying, 'Dost fear the Magic of the great Magician, who with his Arts calls down the rain and sends the darkness of the lower worlds to hide his lurkings? Art thou afraid, brave youth, now that we are so near his home, and were thy previous words but empty boasts?
20. 'Know, fainthearted one, that the evil warlock is aware of our coming, and tries to turn us from our way, sending his curses wherewith to bewilder our minds and hearts, seeking out the weak places within ourselves, and making thee falter!'
21. But Chrishna was indignant at the unjust charge, denying it vehemently, and urging the horses to greater speed.
22. And as they proceeded rapidly upon their way, beneath the hovering shades of giant trees, the forest became ever more wild and more terrible to behold. And the sky was lit by flaring flashes, striking down the trees amidst the booming of the thunder's voice, and the Charioteer cried out:
23. 'He must be indeed a most terrible Wizard to cause this uproar, and even the creepers twist and turn, gripping our wheels and the feet of our horses'.
24. But the king, to spur him on, derided him once more, saying, 'Art thou afraid indeed, great hero, presumed killer of Taptakumbha's miserable worm, and soldier of many battles against the little chiefs?'
25. And Chrishna was filled with wrath, exclaiming heatedly at the king, saying, 'Though all the Universe should break in twain, descending upon the earth and covering it with shattered mountains, falling from the sky,
26. 'I would not fear, and I dread not man or wizard, demon or angel, serpent or king'; and he lashed the steeds to even greater speed.
27. And the fury of the storm increased each moment, and huge trees swayed like reeds and fell, moaning in their fall; and the wind howled and sped the driven rain, yelling like the chorus of a million shrieking spirits, agonized by the terrors of hell.
28. And then a very ancient tree, so vast that sixteen men could not embrace it with arms spread wide and fingers touching, that tree did fall astride their way, blocking the only path, and the earth did quake with a tremendous quaking, and they stopped.
29. And Chrishna spoke unto the king, saying, 'Thine enemy, O king, must be a very God, a direct Son of Brahmâ, and under his divine protection, and I do not like the omens'.
30. 'The end is near', interrupted the spy, 'for I see, and here is a passage-way at the end of which is Vasishta's hut, where dwells the Hermit who feeds all innocent beasts and birds.
31. 'The lions and the tigers fear him greatly, and he himself is shielded by a sublime goddess, who has taken unto herself the form of a gazelle,
32. 'And I fear his might, and the divine powers of that gazelle, and dare go no further'.
33 Thus spoke the spy, but Kamsa, the king, waxed angry, shouting incoherently like one demented.
34. And when he found his voice again he whispered hoarsely to his Charioteer, 'See, he is there; hidden by the trees; I see him'. And he trembled and shook like a young bird in the grip of the weasel.
35. And he added fearfully, 'It is Vasishta, he whose curse was laid upon me, and my queen, and my peoples, and all my lands. He is there, plotting in his secret tabernacle, and his monstrous eye is fixed upon me. Rescue me before it is too late, and save me from his subjugation'.
36. And Chrishna stood up proudly, descending from the chariot, and spoke, saying, 'I have promised to save thee and I will; and I will behold him of whom thou art so sore afraid'.
37. And lightly leaping, like the agile lynx, he sprang upon the giant tree that lay across the path, and peered into the forest.
Next: 13 — The Chapter of The Divine Mother
This e-text facsimile of The Book of Sa-Heti was published on 5 August 2012.
© Copyright 2012 J Michaud PhD & Last updated 28 March 2017.