The True Gospel of Chrishna-Jeseus
Section 1 — Youth
11 — The Chapter of The Charioteer
A-UM !
1. Now it came to pass that the king was satisfied when he beheld the great powers of mind and body of his new Driver of the Chariot and First Minister of State in the person of Chrishna;
2. And he gave him rulership over many affairs within the land, gratified by his intelligence and fearless mien and acts.
3. But the evil queen became enamoured of the youth, and desired him with the passions of the flesh, longing for his embraces.
4. For she was caught by the noose of wantonness, holding her in its relentless snare: as the child is attached to play, youth to women, and old age is burdened with anxiety, from all of which none of men may escape.
5. And in order to satisfy her lust, she sought to lure the hero of many combats, and trap him into betrayal of the rights of her lord and husband.
6. And though old age had crept upon her body, she, in the witchery of her dark Arcana knew the secret of regaining her necromantic beauty from time to time;
7. And magic unguents and potent philtres, supplied by cunning wizards, did aid her to renew that black-hued charm of fell enchantment which had made the king her slave of yore.
8. Like unto veritable vampire, she practised periapt rites, inverted; ensorceled conjurations, waving the wand of phylacteric thaumaturgy, with runic talisman and rod.
9. And one day, after the soothsayers had pronounced a fortunate moment for her Arts, she summoned into her presence the Singer of Mount Meru.
10. And entering her private rooms he found her stretched upon a golden couch, and draped with silken trappings was that couch, but she almost nude, and gleaming with demonic ardour, as if a dull fire burned within her,
11. Penetrating outwardly with fervent glows, as if a blacksmith's forge were blazing in the night, behind the ill closed shutters of his shed.
12. Interwoven in her crinkly hair were strings of jewels, and golden bracelets ringed her arms and wrists; and anklets tinkled softly at the languid stretchings of her soft-curved limbs, as if they sound a furtive decretal to a secret lover, hesitating in his eagerness, but eagerly awaited.
13. Speaking softly to the Driver of the Chariot, she murmured, 'Why, sweet Youth, is thy countenance so calm and cool like the snow-covered heights of the mountains, whilst thy heart must be afire within?
14. And as she spoke, the clouds of incense from the perfume vessel rose up to the roof and billowed like unto living waves of odour.
15. And she added, like a sigh of southern wind, 'I know thy purity, which is like that of a very god, for it shines and flashes within thine eyes, surrounding thee with beauty: enchanting.
16. 'Thou art like unto an unsolved mystery of love, and more than that, for no-one, not even thyself, knowest who and what thou art.
17. 'But I know: for the gods have created thee for a master of men, a kingly one indeed, fit to rule an empire; and it is in my power to make thee emperor of all the world. Say, and speak unto me, is it in thy mind and heart to be that emperor?'
18. And Chrishna made reply, saying in a voice that resembled a sonorous gong in a holy temple:
19. 'If it be in thy power, O queen, to grant me such honours, and such authority, then canst thou also say where I may find my mother, and the purple-haloed Sage who gave me counsel on that high peak of Meru'.
20. 'What!' exclaimed Kadru scornfully, an evil smile flickering like a swiftly flashing ray of lurid light upon her sensuous lips, 'What! Ingrate! What do I know about thy mother, some peasant woman of low degree, and your Monk of the Mount, a snivelling popinjay of the gods, and what do I care?
21. 'Thou art a dreamer of empty dreams, whilst the honour and the glory I offer thee are as a blade of grass of last year's withering unto thy doltish mind.
22. 'Know, dull Youth, that to wear an inherited crown does make a man no king; and the son of shepherds may be more royal than any monarch, enthroned because of his father's deeds, yet unworthy of his power, not knowing how to forge it into god-like Might.
23. 'Strong art thou, and beautiful to mine eye, who can raise thee up as high as the golden sun that blazes in the azurine sky, spreading light and life all over the world.
24. 'Slay the king as he lies in his slothful sleep this afternoon, and take his place, and I will cause the royal crown to be set upon thy brow, and like the sun thou shalt shine, and rule by my side, most great and full of majesty.
25. 'For know, O shepherd's son, that I love thee with an all-enfolding ardour, and it is thy Destiny to be mine. Obey my command, for I am wise, and young, and strong, and beautiful, and I will teach thee State-craft beyond thy dreams, and all the secret Arts of love, which will lead thy very Soul into Paradise tonight'.
26. And then that terrible queen rose up from her golden couch, most dreadful in barbaric majesty, fascinating like unto the most beautiful Serpent of the lower worlds, sent to bewilder the senses of man; her eyes shooting flames into the dazzled eyes of Chrishna.
27. And as he beheld her thus, glowing with imperious desires, he shook like one who is smitten with a deadly fever, and his blood turned to ice in horror.
28. It was as if he gazed into the lowest deeps of hell as he beheld those tormented eyes, and in his memory he saw once more the loathsome temple of the slayer-gods, who give desires that lead unto Death.
29. And within the deep abyss of Kadru's eyes he saw a vision of slimy serpents, writhing and twisting their slithery coils, like souls in the grip of clinging poison asps, from whom they seek to fly in vain: and he remembered the words of Dhritarashtra, the Great Serpent which he had slain, and he knew that at that moment he was face to face with the daughter of the Serpent.
30. And he knew the words of warning of the purple-haloed Saint, and realised that this was the swarthy queen who would try to lead him into sin, and that he must bruise this serpent's head by spurning her and threatening her life.
31. And recovering himself from that dazzling fascination which had held him immovable, like the precious gem embedded in the rock, he looked upon the queen, who stood before him in all her temporary false allure, to which a lesser soul would surely have become a prey.
32. And as it were twin daggers leapt from his eyes, transfixing her with dire astonishment, and he spoke unto her indignantly:
33. 'I am the king's Defender, who has trusted me to keep him safe by means of my loyalty and strength; but to thee I owe no allegiance, for thou art false, and a traitress, and thou shalt die!'
34. And the queen gave voice to a terrible cry, shrieking in her fury, rolling on her couch and biting its silken coverings with foaming mouth.
35. And suddenly she relapsed once more into her aged form; evil, withered and wrinkled with decrepitude; her youth and fascination gone, desolate in her wrath and disappointed hopes and longings: and her head was sorely bruised indeed, filled with bitter hatred for the Youth who had thus disdained her with contumely.
36. And Chrishna, turning away in disgust, strode out of her presence, leaving her rooms to breathe a purer air outside and regain his composure.
Next: 12 — The Chapter of The Storm
This e-text facsimile of The Book of Sa-Heti was published on 5 August 2012.
© Copyright 2012 J Michaud PhD & Last updated 28 March 2017.