The True Gospel of Chrishna-Jeseus
Section 1 — Youth
7 — The Chapter of The Great Serpent
A-UM !
1. But as a foretoken of that which would come to pass, he was told one day that there was a certain King of the Serpents, known by the name of Taptakumbha, who with the aid of a most ferocious Serpent, the greatest ever known, did much mischief.
2. So he decided to fight that fearsome worm in the presence of that King, who had made of the Serpent an instrument of vengeance against all who hated evil, and it is true that this great Snake was a most terrible monster, known by the name of Dhritarashtra;
3. And its fame was such that even the most courageous man was paralysed with horror at the mere sight or thought of it, for the whole land rang with tales of the deeds it had enacted and of the fury which resided within its malevolent breast.
4. So Chrishna went forth to a certain temple of the Dark Powers, the Destroyers of victims, where the King and the Serpent resided within a miasmic abyss beneath the temple's foundations.
5. And he called forth the King and faced him boldly, saying he was come to offer combat to his Snake, and destroy it. But the King laughed grimly, and called forth the Serpent, who rose from the slimy depths.
6. It had a very long body, greenish-blue in hue, and it came slowly forward as its master summoned the beast.
7. Slowly, very slowly, Dhritarashtra rose up, huge and menacing, undulating, and puffing out its crimson crest; and its head and body were covered with great scales.
8. Its master boasted that it was a most powerful fiend, knowing the direst secrets of the dark Arcana, being unsurpassed in black wisdom and craft.
9. 'It will reveal the secrets to him who has the power to slay it, which is an impossible task', said the King; 'but it destroys those who are weaker than itself, and then drags them down to Patala, the Underworld, and the great Hells below it'. Thus blustered the king, Taptakumbha.
10. 'See', he exclaimed exultantly—'He hath beheld thy form, and thou art powerless to resist him. Fall down and worship him, or perish! For he can grant thee dominion over all the kingdoms of the world, of Earth and all other Realms if thou wilt make obeisance'.
11. But Chrishna felt within himself a surge of furious indignation, that rose up until it reached his very Soul with loathing; and he was aware of a mighty power within himself—like unto the strength of the ominous thunderbolt.
12. And he rushed upon the Serpent like unto the quick-striking adder, fixing his eyes upon those cold, green ones of the Snake, and seized it with his powerful grip, just beneath its ferine head.
13. And as Chrishna's companions looked on, hardly able to breathe, a great combat ensued, he and the Serpent rolling and twisting on the stones of the temple of the cruel gods.
14. And before the Serpent could hold him and crush him in his folds, with one stroke of the sword the inspired fighter cut off the Serpent's head from its body.
15. Then, leaping aside from beneath the writhing form, he raised the gory head, triumphant.
16. But the head still lived, and trying to overawe Chrishna with its fierce eyes, it spoke, saying, 'Why hast thou destroyed me, O Son of God? Can Truth be found by killing the quick? Thou Fool, only in Death is Truth, and not until thou diest shall the fullness of Truth be revealed unto thee, and the emptiness of that which men call life become manifest in full as a lying dream.
17. 'To live is to dwell in the coils of death as did my victims hitherto; but Death is the Gateway to Life. I warn thee, heed my words: for the daughter of the Eternal Serpent, even she, enthroned on earth, shall vengeance my blood thou hast shed in vain. Take warning: this deed hath sealed thy Fate!'
18. Speaking thus, life fled from that ominous maw, and Chrishna hung his head on his breast, for he was filled with an utter horror at what had come to pass. And he went away.
19. And Taptakumbha, the Serpent king, looked upon the retiring form of the Young Lord, and said, 'My power faileth me, and such as I cannot harm this being; but the gods will take payment for this deed, for they alone can overcome his might if the All-Powerful permits it'.
20. And Chrishna proceeded to the holy river, even Ganges, and on its banks he prayed for a month, and made ablutions by means of the living waters.
21. And by means of the light of the Sun and his attunement with the Supreme Deity was found purification. And then he decided to return to Mount Meru with his friends and companions, the sons of the shepherds and the herdsmen, to breathe again the redolent air that blows from Himavat.
22. Thus he, the Chrishna Jeseus to be, the Shepherd among shepherds, returned to the only home he knew, thinking on that which had befallen, and longing for his Mother and the Holy Anchorite of the mountain, remembering his words.
Next: 8 — The Chapter of Song
This e-text facsimile of The Book of Sa-Heti was published on 5 August 2012.
© Copyright 2012 J Michaud PhD & Last updated 28 March 2017.