The True Gospel of Chrishna-Jeseus
Section 2 — Spiritual Heritage
17 — The Chapter of Inner Peace
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1. And Arjuna, the belovéd Disciple, asked the Lord Chrishna one day, 'If it should come to pass that a man has found the Inner Peace by attunement with the Unity, and then forgets himself one day, falling into the error of sin, or wrath: is such an one lost for ever?'
2. And the most benevolent Lord made reply, saying, 'No; for if that man repenteth after his fall, and climbs once more the steeply rising Road that leads unto the Tabernacle of the Golden Light, his trespass is forgiven.
3. 'For know the Lords of Life, all those who keep the Records of man's thoughts and deeds, are patient as the Lord Supreme Himself, and full of understanding; knowing that the path of Man is aye beset with many pitfalls, the everlasting Serpent's undulating coil constricted, yet ever ready to unfold and pounce in wrath upon and crush the man'.
4. 'Who are those Lords of Life?' Arjuna asked again.
5. And the Master replied, 'They are those who dwell within the Heavenly City of the Sun, which is Eternal, while earthly cities are of a day, flourishing exceedingly for a span of time, and then in ruins, lost without a single trace at last.
6. 'In the Heavenly City dwell the Angels, who help to guide a man from afar, if he will follow, and hear, and act; and those Heavenly ones will lead him to his Home when earthly life is done.
7. 'But there is also an evil city within the lower heavens; a place of sighs and lamentations, the opposite in every way of that great City, divine, within God's Paradise.
8. 'And there are many Heavens, and many Cities with Holy Lords who dwell therein, above and below, and many nations and tongues, and peoples; and the angels of darkness abide within the Pit.
9. 'They too have lower angels who whisper unto man, if he will hear, and follow, and act upon their cunning murmurings; but if he does, then he is lost indeed. Woe unto him who hearkens to the counsels of the Serpent and his ministers, for his temporary victories will change into the mishap of defeat, and his dark guides will laugh that man to scorn.
10. 'It is the counsel of those evil spirits which causes crime, all sin, all sickness, and all grief.
11. 'For the mind of the man attuned with darkness makes the body wilt and linger in everlasting pain; both here and in the Deeps. But if a man be attacked whilst innocent of evil thoughts or low desires, then the Heavenly Angels will succour him and bring relief, though he may die on earth.
12. 'There is a God of Light and a god of darkness; of Goodness and of sin; and evil men can neither see nor hear that goodness, or that beauty, or that Light, but turn away in disgust from the things that show the Spirit of the God of Light—just as good men flee from evil, and ugliness, and the darkness of sin.
13. 'The good man praises that which is good and beautiful; but those whose minds contain the smallest speck of evil abhor goodness and hate beauty.
14. 'The evil see in sin and ugliness the virtue of a form of beauty which seems to them their greatest good—until the Day when their god calls for an evil reckoning to be met.
15. 'And man is free to choose both good or evil, and is rewarded according to his choice.
16. 'But to blame the demons for their wickedness is vain, for it is their nature to be evil, and a virtue unto them.
17. 'Man himself is to blame for all the grief and sorrow which is his self-engendered lot; for he has, perhaps, in wilful ignorance and faulty trust, cohered with evil men, being fascinated by their glamour, his lower self in full attunement with their sin, thinking it good in his blindness and lack of true perception. Or, being wholly good himself, he may in his innocence have credited the evil man with good intentions, whilst the opposite was true.
18. 'This, however, is a lesson the good may learn with profit; but the partly or the wholly evil are thuswise led unto perdition.
19. 'There is a destiny for both the Higher Mind and body; for both arrive on earth from opposite directions, though the inward Law of this may not be openly told.
20. 'Therefore: listen to my words of Truth; he who follows the call of the body and its lower self departs with it to the Place of Wailing.
21. 'But he who follows the call of the Soul will reach his home in Paradise.
22. 'Those who in their dullness of understanding adhere to matters of the earth are here reborn again; those who obey the Summons of the Spirit are free from earthly woes for evermore;
23. 'For such is the Law established by our God, and obeyed by the nether gods as well as by the Higher.
24. 'Predestination, therefore, is the work of man himself; for according to his thoughts and deeds the future will unfold and he receive his full reward'.
25. Thus taught the Lord Chrishna his Disciples at the foot of Mount Meru, when he came forth from the wilderness after his Seven Years of Meditation, to turn the barren desert of man's mind into a garden filled with flowering Precepts,
26. That the Self might learn to scale the Holy Mountain of God's Paradise, enwreathed with the chaplet of Wisdom.
27. And the Master stood upon his feet and spoke, saying,
28. 'That God, divine, serene, and omnipotent, can be seen in the potent works of His Creators.
29. 'He breathes the breath of every being and is that breath of life; He has a million shapes and forms, beholding all that is in every realm, yet is His Essence formless and devoid of shape or ponderance.
30. 'He knows the slightest thought or aspiration, being Within and Without, yet immovable and everywhere at once, and swifter than the lightning thought.
31. 'There is no height or depth in which His Wisdom does not penetrate, and He is not in need of direction, for East and West, and South and North to Him are all the same, and deep profundity and highest inspiration of utter Power-Knowledge His domain.
32. 'He dwelleth within the point of the finest needle, and finds within that small compass Infinity as large as all the Universe.
33. 'He knoweth not the need of size or of dimension: for He is both Size and Dimension, and too the absence of the same, and His Presence contains all measurements of geometry Divine.
34. 'He is the Deity Supreme, and is a subtle Flame, fine as a silken thread, large as the Megacosm, shining by means of His own nature, but seen by neither man, nor angel, nor God.
35. 'Therefore I say unto thee: What is the use of lighting feeble candles to such a fiery Being, as men and priests do in their ignorance and lack of wit?
36. 'But the Mind, which is as invisible as that great Flame, and a veritable Flame itself, can blend its feeble light in Peace with that much greater Light, becoming One with that Divinity in the higher sense, reaching Unity.
37. 'Yet is He more brilliant than a million suns at the zenith of their Glory.
38. 'For every sun within his Universe is but a tiny spark of Him, and to His observation no more than the millionth part of the shine of a firefly's glow would seem to us.
39. 'Therefore I tell thee, to behold Him in all his Majesty would be unbearable to earthly sight, and even the Lord of the most gigantic sun within His Universe would burn to ashes, should he, with all his attributes of might divine, behold that utter Majesty and Glory'.
40. And as the Master spoke, there shot from out himself a Light so blinding that all the Disciples fell upon their faces, shielding their heads with their hands, yet paralysed by that great Effulgence.
41. And they cried out loudly in their agony, beseeching the Lord to withhold that dazzling Flame, for they could bear it no longer.
42. And they spoke as with one voice, supplicating Chrishna tearfully, saying,
43. 'Mighty indeed are thou, O Son of God, and truly like unto God Himself. We worship and believe adoringly, and are mightily perturbed by that great revelation of thy Inner Power'.
Next: 18 — The Chapter of The Teachers
This e-text facsimile of The Book of Sa-Heti was published on 5 August 2012.
© Copyright 2012 J Michaud PhD & Last updated 28 March 2017.