The True Gospel of Chrishna-Jeseus

Section 2 — Spiritual Heritage

19 — The Chapter of the Rosy Light

A-UM !

1. And thuswise the Lord Chrishna developed the Teachings he had himself received Within, during his Seven Years of Meditation in the jungles of Mount Meru.

2. And it was as if his Disciples were bathed in rosy lights with golden gleams, purple-edged, and they cried out,

3. 'Oh, Master, why is it that we did not know thee as thou art before these times? The abodes of Knowledge are lighted up by the mere reflections of thy Wisdom, dear Lord; how great, then, is thy Inner Light!'

4. And the Lord smiled kindly upon them, saying, 'Because thy sight was sealed, so that thou couldst not know me as I am.

5. 'At all times do some Teachers walk amongst you, but you know them not, simple as they are to know. How, then, could you know ME: the Teacher of Teachers?'

6. And they fell silent for a while, being ashamed of their blindness, and even reluctant to a small extent to acknowledge the truth of the Master's words.

7. For thus is human nature constructed: never willing to admit a wrong completely, however slight that wrong, when it reflects upon the capability to KNOW Truth from falsehood; gold from tinsel; true Light from illusive Darkness.

8. There is at work a certain pride of intellect in man, even in the best; and this it is that makes some eager to destroy the good and beautiful, the kind and wise, and the just who walk in mercy.

9. They do not know it, but this shows the wise what is their state of evolution.

10. For the truly wise is like a child, relying on the wisdom of his elders, believing in the word of Truth, and acting in faith, trusting his good masters.

11. Such men of wisdom are the true Disciples for the Lord of Light and Love—And they shall prosper.

12. And Chrishna, the Bringer of Light, spoke unto his Disciples, saying the ancient Precepts over again, as he had spoken them in previous Incarnations, aeons and aeons of ages ago on earth; in times long lost within the dark oblivion of the far, dim past.

13. 'Have Faith, be it even a little faith, for this will save thee from many calamities and free thee from all fear.

14. 'This is a great and simple Law: a Law unto the faithful; for men who trust in worldly aid live in complexity, having manifold intricate laws, which are like shifting sands that suck the wanderer who trusts in their solidity unto perdition.

15. 'For such laws are like unto the souls that made them, whose only foundation is the nether world.

16. 'Such have no faith, no trust; first, because they judge all other men by the faultiness of their own foundations, and secondly because all their laws consist of contradictions, twisted by rogues for the destruction of fools, who place in them their foolish worldly trust, and give credence to their makers and expounders.

17. 'Have only faith in God and in the Lords of Life, whose words are Truth, whose Laws are just and sure, unchangeable and not to be distorted by the arts of devils' ingenuity; for based they are upon the adamantine surety of God's own Mercy and His Justice, which can no more be deviated by slick excuse and sly prevarication than an ant can overturn a mighty Alp.

18. 'Therefore, in no man place thy trust, for he is powerless to aid thee by himself, or lead thee to the Safety of Light and Truth:

19. 'For all men are but instruments, blind tools, who act upon the inspiration (quite unknown to them) which comes from God....or from the Serpent; and wise is he who knows the veritable source of ignorant man's actions.

20. 'The man who thinks he does thee well may be thine executioner.

21. 'The man who hateth thee, can, mayhap, be just the very tool which opens up the door which leads unto the Path of thy Salvation.

22. 'And only God can separate the false and the true and know the hidden purpose and the spring of all men's slightest actions.

23. 'Distrust the man who spurs thee on to do good works to reap the fruits of good deeds done;

24. 'Who prophesies great wealth and power if thou do thus and thus, and so and so;

25. 'Who prates to thee of endless lives on earth in utter bliss, if thou abound in charity and temple rites, of wealth and power, which (he says) is God's reward for those who prop the State and Constitution;

26. 'Who grants thee merit, bountiful, in future times for present works of 'faith', according to his precepts;

27. 'Who promises to teach thee full control of all the elements and demon forces: that thou mayest rule the earth and all that's on it and within, by means of magic rituals.

28. 'For know that they who promise this, or who desire vast wealth and power, are lax of soul and mind, forsaken by the Father for their lies and greed, and handed over to the lower ones, to live and die in spiritual destitution.

29. 'The man who puts his trust and faith in other men is lost for sure, and when he seeks the help of God at last, it is too late, for God will send him to the men in whom he placed that trust and faith, for such is the Law, in Truth and Justice.

30. 'Be free of all the laws laid down by men: but do not act against them.

31. 'Be free of all the rituals and priests: but let who will obey them.

32. 'Be free of that self-righteousness which calculates its profits due when all its devilments are done: for the Serpent only will take profit in the end.

33. 'Thou! Go forth when the time of thy Mission arrives; do right; ask not, and thou shalt not want.

34. 'Be right deeds themselves thy reward, and not their fruits: for by acting rightly thou doest God's own work at His behest, and not thine own.

35. 'The fruit of all good deeds be God's, not Man's.

36. 'Go forth, then, and act; dream not in self-pitying sloth, but labour mightily.

37. 'Right acts must be thy piety, not mumbled prayers at the holy shrine; for this is the excuse of sluggards, to sit and pray instead of being up and doing.

38. 'Plan not what thou shalt do 'tomorrow', nor prate about the work of later days: but do it NOW.

39. 'Cast Self aside, condemning gain and merit.

40. 'Be poised and calm in good and evil times; for those who in this way show God their love and trust will reach the Peace, unknown to men whose love and faith are in the world, instead of in the Father.

41. 'Let the Soul be thy Heaven, counselling the Mind with Wisdom, and scorn all those who practise virtue in hope of reward.

42. 'For this is pure devotion and attunement with the Higher Worlds, and the Soul of God, and those who dwell within his Radiance.

43. 'And cast aside good deeds and bad alike, following the Call of the Inner Voice, though thou hearest not its utterance with outward ears.

44. 'By peaceful meditation (whilst thou workest) shall Light and Truth fulfil thy Self, shaking off the tangled cords of wrongful teachings, which guide the ignorant, alone.

45. 'And thus, freed from man-made laws, doctrinal oracles, and priestly lore and dogma, and love of gain and fortune,

46. 'Safe shalt thou dwell in life, quite sure within, untroubled by the world of men and their opinions, until the Day when Greater Life begins in Greater Light, in Bliss—and Peace—and Beauty'.

Next: 20 — The Chapter of The Evil Dream


This e-text facsimile of The Book of Sa-Heti was published on 5 August 2012.
© Copyright 2012 J Michaud PhD & Last updated 28 March 2017.

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