The True Gospel of Chrishna-Jeseus
Section 2 — Spiritual Heritage
21 — The Chapter of the Initiate
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1. And one day Arjuna asked the Lord, saying, 'Dear Master, you told us in a certain Teaching that men do not know the holy ones that walk among us, because unless the inner sight is opened, one cannot behold the Light within another man and praise it: the eyes of the lesser ones being sealed.
2. 'How, then, may we recognize such men without the aid of the inner sight; what is the mark which shows their steadfastness and inward illumination?'
3. And Chrishna made reply and said, 'When you behold a man who is indifferent to earthly things, to other men's opinions, his Mind having derived comfort and enlightenment from the Soul, that is Yoga, and he is the Yogi, independent and free.
4. 'He does not show his sorrows outwardly; nor joys; he is above all praise and blame, and fame, and all contumely.
5. 'When the foolish correct him, he smiles within, rejoindering meekly or with banter.
6. 'He knows the thoughts and aims of every man, without the telling, and forgives them for their waywardness and passion.
7. 'He knows that life is an illusion, a dream, and death an awakening to worse or better life.
8. 'He knows all without betraying what he knows, and his mind is ever fixed on lofty contemplation, thus attuning with the holy place whence there is no return to earth for him.
9. 'Such men are veritable Sages, the Munis, Men of Silence; for though they speak to all they do not mention the things that matter;
10. 'For the saying of holy things to the foolish or the ignorant is as a waft of wind that leaves no trace....upon the minds of those who are uncouth of intellect and spirit.
11. 'Loving all men, yet being indifferent to their love, he has no ties that bind him down to earth.
12. 'He neither desponds nor yet exults, taking things calmly as they come: for this is Wisdom's mark.
13 'He knows, within, the good things of the earth, and values them according to their worth; and so he draws them to himself with bonds of sympathy and understanding, and he lacks for nothing.
14. 'He veers away from evil thoughts and men, and they know him not, for there is no answering echo in his mind to evil passions.
15. 'Yet, being but a man, disasters may descend upon his mind and flesh, snapping the root of self-control, and overthrowing his Tree of Life.
16. 'But if he conquer this, his kingdom is regained anon, enriched with fresh experience, and new roots will sprout and find an anchorage in the divine soil of the Spirit.
17. 'Then his ascent will exceed his fall, and armed with greater mastery he will rise higher than the clouds which cover the sky in the rainy season; beholding far below himself the strivings and the vanities of weaker man, yet is his mind enriched with compassionate understanding.
18. 'He neither loves nor hates in actuality, though his mind is filled with love, and tranquillity reigns within the inner chambers of his heart, and this is perfect Wisdom.
19. 'This is the holy state called Brahm; the dwelling place of Brahmâ and the Lords of Life.
20. 'He neither acts nor shunneth action, yet are his acts, inactive, greater and more powerful than any worldly actions: for he buildeth in the spirit of illumination, and hence come active thoughts which reach their goal in other minds in form of holy Inspiration.
21. 'Thus being in the world of men he is not of it outwardly, nor inward; nor does he, living here, renounce the world of men and things: for this brings no perfection; though worldly influences pass him by, for these are weak, and weakness cannot conquer strength, nor touch it to its detriment, if the strength is of the Spirit: he knows all influences for what they are, and whence they come, and this is All-Perception.
22. 'For the minds of many men are of material nature only, and all their actions are likewise so.
23. 'But the Muni's Mind is purest Spirit, freed from earthly dross.
24. 'Thus, being free and spiritual, the spiritual parts of others he may reach, untrammelled and in strength.
25. 'This bringeth higher thoughts to those, who, lacking this spiritual strength, and poise, and Wisdom, could not otherwise perform the work preserved for them within their incarnation.
26. 'Such is the Master's work; unseen, unheard, yet showering untold blessings on his fellow-men on earth, who, being blind, can never know him as he is....and pass him by.
27. 'This is the only form of active renunciation of the world, approved by God and all the Lords below him.
28. 'The man who sits in idleness, mortifying the flesh, and neither thinks nor acts (though he may think he is thinking), thus hoping to gain entrance into Heaven:
29. 'Is but a hypocrite, a worthless lump of clay, a lowly serpent in the grass, and a humbug and spiritual quack; a grimacer he is of puritanical contortions; pragmatical, conceited, and a simpering liar in the face of Deity Himself.
30. 'Despising the body he despises his Creator and his works. He talks grandiloquently, chattering like an ignorant ape, misleading other apes who ape his apishness with glee; being of like disposition and adapting any excuse for sloth to their own lazy purposelessness.
31. 'They call them Yogin, but lie abominably, and in the end they join those slaves within your dream, who work unceasingly, like nests of ants demented, at building and destroying that which with their blood and sweat and anguish they have raised below with fruitless labour.
32. 'And when the veritable Yogi does not 'act' by building spirit thoughts with actless action, he findeth other work to do;
33. 'For to each man on earth there is a task allotted.
34. 'He gives out Wisdom to the Seeker, provided such is genuine and not a sham, or works at given toil such as his Destiny provides to make him worthy.
35. 'In this lies praise indeed, and worship of the Gods who build in Thought and Spiritual Action.
36. 'To take the fruits of earth and pay not in return with thoughts or acts, or both, inactive acts or active, is robbery of both the genesis of Heaven and of earth;
37. 'And for those who live the life of parasites there is a lower Hell, where their tutelary genius, enthroned in Darkness, lit by lurid gleams of torturing fire, exacts full payment at the appointed time'.
38. Thus did the Lord expound the ways in which to know the Teachers, and their opposites.
Next: 22 — The Chapter of The Apostles
This e-text facsimile of The Book of Sa-Heti was published on 5 August 2012.
© Copyright 2012 J Michaud PhD & Last updated 28 March 2017.