Ancient Wisdom and Occult Truth

The aim of this website is to provide those sincerely interested in occultism with facts not fantasies

For the malice of Ignorance surroundeth all the Earth, and corrupteth the Soul, shut up in the Body not suffering it to arrive at the Havens of Salvation. Hermes Trismegistus — 'The Divine Pymander'


Do you want answers to the great questions and mysteries of Life? Do you wonder who you truly are; where you have come from and where you are headed? What the purpose of Life on earth is? What the Occult, Magic, Religion and Philosophy really are and mean? Then you have come to the right place.

A tremendous amount of misinformation and fantasy is now to be found on the Internet and in books on a wide variety of occult, religious, magical and mystical subjects. Some of the authors of this tide of fallacies mean well; many more do not, and it all spells dire trouble for those genuinely in search of facts, not fantasy and half-truths.

One of the reasons we launched this website over 12 years ago was to combat this deluge of half-truths, speculations, conspiracy theories and misconceptions. The fact of the matter is that even the most elevated Occult teachings can be misinterpreted and distorted to suit almost any agenda. The same may be said for Magic, or 'magick' as many people insist on spelling it, which is even less understood nowadays than occultism. If we honestly examine the beliefs and practises of those who call themselves 'magicians' and 'occultists' today we find that they are mostly concerned with themselves, not others. They have no wish to improve the lives of their fellow human beings or worldly conditions. Their aspirations are firmly glued to the material plane and their personal needs and desires. They do not really mind if others suffer, so long as they are comfortable. Many will tell you they only have one life to live and are going to make the most of it by employing so-called 'magic' to acquire as much worldly wealth and personal power as circumstances allow. In short, 'modern' magic is often nothing more than self-indulgent mental masturbation at best and pure sorcery at worst, as you can read in our Occult FAQ and study course article on Magic.

It is these distortions and misinterpretations of the great Occult Truths which do the most harm, and lead to so much confusion, disillusion and suffering among seekers after Occult Knowledge. Many readers will pass us by once they see that we provide no glamour, thrills, fantasies, or 'magical' 'spells', 'rituals' and grimoires. Others will shudder at the very word 'Occult' and return to the safety of religious orthodoxy. That is their prerogative and we wish them well. But for the FEW who do stay and read our many articles and books, this website provides inspiration, comfort and nourishment a-plenty for body, mind and spirit.

To read what visitors say about us, see our Readers' Comments page

Reading tips for Beginners

If you know little or nothing about the Occult, we suggest you begin by reading our brief note: Misconceptions about the Occult shown below and the information given in the sidebar about the Ancient Wisdom. Then read and study the following three articles:

Occult FAQ

Frequently asked questions about the Occult answered.

Why study Occult Science?

The benefits of studying Occult Science and how to go about it.

There is only One LIGHT

True and false occult teachings and how to tell one from the other.

When you have done so, read either Astral Conversations or The Search for Truth depending on whether you have come to occultism via a secular or religious background. Astral Conversations is a series 12 articles in which many conspiracy theories and wrong occult beliefs and practises are explored and debunked. The Search for Truth explores and investigates the many links between religion and the occult. The next steps are up to you. We have published five complete books by J Michaud PhD, each of which contains the most advanced occult teachings. You can also read the articles that most appeal to you listed below, take our occult studies course, and/or search for specific topics.

Misconceptions about the Occult

THE Occult is not what most people think it is. Not one person in ten million or one 'occultist' in a thousand has the slightest idea of what the Occult really is. You may think this is an exaggeration; we assure you it is not. Moreover, if you read even a fraction of the articles we have published you will agree with our statement. The first misconception we aim to correct is that the Occult is 'evil'. It is not, neither is it 'anti-religion' or a synonym for black magic or witchcraft. Nor do we promote such subjects in any of our articles. What we do promote are the teachings of the Wise philosophers and spiritual Masters of the past and present, none of which can conflict in any way with the highest ideals of any religion. More than one religious visitor to this website has been shocked to find articles about God and the hidden wisdom in the Bible here. This is not surprising considering that the word 'occult' is nowadays mostly associated with all that is evil. But all the word really means is 'hidden'. It is in this correct sense that the word is used by doctors to describe blood that is not visibly apparent. The same definition applies to the occult mysteries; that is knowledge and truth which is not visibly apparent. This is the ONLY sense in which we use the word.

Many people ask why such knowledge and truth has been hidden from the world. The simple answer is to prevent it being misused. There has never been a single Teacher of the Eternal Verities who did not withhold the hidden, or occult mysteries, from the multitude. Jesus, for instance, tells his chosen disciples that: "Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God: but to others in parables" (Luke 8:10). You may ask that if occult knowledge and truth has been hidden from the multitude why are we now making it public? This is a good question. The answer is because the time is right to reveal some of it. We emphasise some because the higher Mysteries can only be imparted to those who can be trusted not to misuse or reveal them. You can read about the reasons for this secrecy in our Occult FAQ.

Yet the more simple truths of Occult Science—such as reincarnation and evolution—should never have been hidden; for this has done incalculable harm to humanity. They grope in the dark and make the most appalling errors with the best of intentions. There has never been a time when these truths were more vitally needed than today. A time when fear and menace stalk the world; hunger and disease afflict millions; wars strew the smiling earth with death, and the hearts of God's lost children cry out for answers. Answers neither Church nor State, least of all material science, can provide. This is the purpose of this website: to bring the one Light of Truth to all those who are willing and capable of recognising and receiving it. It will be heard by the dull and the brilliant, the pure and the impure, the stupid and the wise, and those in between such conditions of mind, who all need what they are qualified to take of the shining pearls of Holy Wisdom.

What's new?

We add new content to our website on a regular basis. To see what's new check the sidebar on our About page or visit us on Facebook and Instagram.

The Search for Truth

search for truth
In this series of twelve articles occult writer and theologian, John Temple, explores and investigates the many links between Religion and the Occult, focusing especially on the hidden meaning concealed within the Bible and its many correspondences with the Wisdom Teachings of ancient Egypt. While each of these articles can be read on their own, they form an ascending scale of revelation, the full import of which will only become clear when they are studied in the order listed below.

Searching for Truth

The true story of one seeker's troubled and eventful journey of spiritual discovery.

Who are the REAL illuminati?

The author dispels the many misconceptions surrounding the mysterious 'illuminati'.

Esotericism in the Nativity

An occult investigation of the Bible story of the birth of Jesus.

If God is good why does he allow evil?

The problem of Good and Evil from the perspective of Occult Science.

Hidden Wisdom in the Bible

Why and how it was concealed and the meaning of the parable of the prodigal son.

Esoteric meaning of Easter

The true significance and meaning of Easter and the Resurrection of Christ.

Hidden meaning in the Book of Proverbs

The close similarity of Proverbs to the ancient Egyptian Teaching of Ptah-Hetep.

The sayings of the Saviour analysed

An analysis of some parables from the gospels and the real origins of Christianity.

The metaphysics of Talent

Hidden meaning in the parable of the talents in the New Testament.

The power of Prayer

The nature, purpose and power of prayer and the many misconceptions surrounding it.

Facts and fictions of the Church

The origins of the Church, some of its dogmas and the heresies which threatened it.

The Mystery of Jesus

An analysis of the evidence for the existence of the historical figure of Jesus.

Further contributions by John Temple

John Temple has written several further articles and afterwords for us. These are listed in order of publication below, oldest first. All these contributions are well worth reading in their own right as well as extensions to his series on The Search for Truth.

A Christmas Carol unwrapped

An analysis of Charles Dickens' famous ghost story.

Folly and Wisdom

The wisdom of Folly and the foolishness of Wisdom. Afterword: an analysis of the book of Ecclesiasticus in the Old Testament Apocrypha.

Star Children

An occult analysis and appreciation of a short story by Charles Dickens.

Mr Tilly's Séance

An appreciation and occult analysis of a supernatural story by the novelist E. F. Benson.

The anatomy of Sin

An occult investigation of the theological concept of Sin and its origins, and the macabre custom of sin-eating.

  • A Modern Easter. In his afterword to this satirical story by Gabrielle Annunziato, John Temple unveils the hidden meaning of the Eucharist (Last Supper).
  • The Mystery of Love. In his afterword John Temple examines the many references to Love in the Bible.
  • The Importance of Being Humble. In his afterword to this article by Seán Mac Gréine John Temple examines some known and unknown quotations about humility.

Astral Conversations

astral conversations

A series of investigations into the occult in twelve parts now available as a hardcover printed book

In this unusual series of twelve articles two colourful occult students discuss many different subjects including magic, masters, false teachers, conspiracy theories, the illuminati, aliens, planet 'x', 'Ascension', consciousness, dreams, life after death, Magic, Shamans, drugs, channeling, Wicca, witchcraft, paganism, the tarot, fate versus free will, heaven and hell, and much more. Although Bombast and Flitterflop are fictional characters, they are based on real individuals well-known to us whose names we have changed to protect their identities. READ MORE....

Bombast and Flitterflop investigate

An occasional series of topical investigations

Readers who have grown fond of Bombast and Flitterflop through listening to their Astral Conversations will welcome their return in this occasional series of investigations, listed below in order of publication, newest first.

The Akashic Records

What are they and should I get some? Flitterflop does and gets taken for a mug again.

Sigils and servitors

Are they the true Arcanum of Magic or something completely different?


Is the coronavirus pandemic an evil global conspiracy or a monumental cock-up?

Is the Earth flat?

Our two colourful occult students attempt to answer this tricky question.

The books of J Michaud PhD

I can show you the mysteries that will give you understanding of that which is inexplicable to most, and I will light within you a lamp that can cast its rays in all that is yet dark, and bring a gleam of Truth and comfort unto the gloomy of heart. J Michaud PhD — 'The Golden Star'

 j michaud phd

J Michaud PhD (1884 - 1961) was a gifted musician, composer and accomplished occultist who wrote six occult books during his lifetime which are almost unknown to modern seekers and occultists alike. Music was Dr Michaud's first and greatest love, and this comes through in all his books, but especially in Symphonie Fantastique, though this is not a book about music! He is said to have written an opera when he was barely eleven, in the first act of which all the singers were murdered one by one and then, in the second act, they all came back as ghosts! This, as well as such unusual compositions as Voices in the Forest, La Chinese Garden, The Silent Tomb, and Mystic Thoughts, were highly regarded by his contemporaries, among them the composers Cyril Scott, Sir Granville Bantock, Frederick Delius, and the English conductor and impresario, Sir Thomas Beecham. Many of the themes in his music later found their way into his books, which in our view are his most important and lasting gift to the world.

Dr Michaud's books were published by the UMA Press in London between 1939 and 1950, and it is now difficult to find printed copies of them. It is for this reason that we have re-published five of them in electronic format, and made them freely available to all at no cost. In September 2021, the second of his books—The Golden Star—was reprinted in a fine hardcover edition by an enterprising publisher in the USA. The same publisher reprinted The Teachings of Li Wang Ho — the third of Dr Michaud's occult books — in 2022. READ MORE....

Online Occult Studies Course

occult studies course

In addition to the articles and books we have published, we offer an online occult studies course which is intended for SINCERE seekers who are ready and willing to take up the SERIOUS study of the Sublime Occult Mysteries. This course is free to study online in your own time at your own pace and does not require registration or payment.
At the end of the course you will have the opportunity to take a short test and put any questions regarding the subjects covered to us. READ MORE....

Spiritus Hermeticum

Then I said, I would learn the things that are, and understand the nature of them, and know God. Hermes Trismegistus — 'The Divine Pymander'

spiritus Hermeticum

An investigation of the origins of Hermeticism and the true teachings of Hermes Trismegistus

The spirit of Hermes Trismegistus towers like a colossus over mysticism, magic and esoteric philosophy. In this unique series of twelve articles we trace the origins of Hermeticism back to its earliest roots. Along the way we consider many different aspects of the Hermetic legacy and its influence. Our main aim, however, is to discover who Hermes was, when he lived and what his TRUE teachings were. READ MORE....

Vox Stellarum

We are stardust, we are golden, and we've got to get ourselves back to the garden.
chorus from Woodstock, a song written in 1970 by Canadian singer-songwriter, Joni Mitchell

vox stellarum

The Voice of the Stars: the testament of the Zodiac unveiled

In this new investigation in thirteen parts we aim to reconcile Astrology with its lost sibling — Astronomy. The stars tell a story in pictorial and symbolic form. It is a story of triumph and disaster, of love and hate, rags and riches, bottomless sorrow and eternal happiness. It is the story of every man and every woman. READ MORE....

Articles and occult study resources

Articles are listed by subject and arranged by author (where applicable).

Material Science

Climate change: blowing hot and cold

An investigation of the contradictory theories of science about climate change.

Scientific materialism: the path to hell

A critical examination of the premises, promises and plans of material science.

Why matter matters

We investigate some of the theories of material science and compare them with the facts of Occult Science, to discover what matter really is.

The weighty problem of Gravity

An investigation of the flaws in the scientific theories of gravity.

Gravitational waves make a big noise

We examine the claims of science to have discovered so-called 'gravitational waves' and compare the speculations of scientists with the facts of Occult Science.

The Occult Aether

An investigation of the ancient and modern theories about Aether compared and contrasted with the facts of Occult Science.

The Occult Sun

An investigation of the hidden properties of the Sun and its forces.

The Magic of Water

An investigation of the esoteric meaning and hidden properties of water.

The Magic of Salt

An investigation of the esoteric meaning and hidden properties of salt.

Giants: fact or fiction?

An investigation of the mythological, historical, and archaeological evidence for the presence of giant human beings on earth.

Occult Science

Why study Occult Science?

The systematic study of the hidden laws and principles of man and the universe.

The Elixir of Life

This mysterious substance explored and explained.

The magic and mystery of Hypnotism

An investigation of hypnotism: its occult nature, history, uses and abuses.

Psychicism and Spirituality

The difference between the psychic and the spiritual and the dangers of the former.

Practical Magic

An investigation of the contemporary misunderstanding and misuse of the magical arts.

The Magic of Egypt

An investigation of the sciences and arts of ancient Egypt.

Life after Death

The true facts about the afterlife explained from the standpoint of Occult Science.

What are Nature spirits and Fairies?

The occult facts about nature spirits together with five recommended books on the hidden side of nature.

The Mystery Language

An investigation of the universal language of Occult Science and the keys to it.

The Science of Occult Symbolism

An investigation of symbolism and analysis of Mozart's opera The Magic Flute.

Occult evolutionary cycles

We investigate the great Cycles of Sleep and Waking to which our Earth and the Kosmos are subject.


An introduction to the sacred science of numbers and some of their hidden qualities.


The Ancient Wisdom and Occult Truths to be found in REAL Astrology.

Links: wisdom on the web

External websites providing real Occult Knowledge and Truth on the Internet.

Occult Teachings and Teachers

There is only one Light

We examine the claims of the many mystery schools and contradictory occult teachings the better to recognise the One Light of Truth.

The Occult Student

Hints and tips for the sincere seeker after Truth on the path to the Light.

Initiates and initiation

This article aims to dispel the misinformation that surrounds the vexed topic of initiates and initiation, and includes an afterword on the life and teachings of Pythagoras.

Was Blavatsky a plagiarist and devil-worshipping racist?

An answer to those who doubt the motives, sincerity and probity of H. P. Blavatsky and her teachings.

Franz Bardon—true guide or deceiver?

A critical review of the teachings and books of the Czech occultist.

Losing your way

How to look for real Truth and Wisdom.

Letter from a Master to his pupil

A warning to those who imagine they can master the Occult Sciences overnight.


How peace leads to war

Understanding the paradox of how the desire for peace leads to conflict and war.

The mystery of Love

An occult investigation of the nature and meaning of Love, with an afterword by John Temple in which he examines some of the many references to love in the Bible.

Fate versus free-will

An investigation of the problem of predestination versus free-will.

The lost doctrine of Reincarnation

An investigation of the pre-existence of the doctrine of Reincarnation.

The lure of the law of attraction

We investigate the 'law of attraction' and the misconceptions associated with it.

Inner Peace through applied Wisdom

How to balance the often conflicting desires of the Higher and lower selves.

Christmas Message from Occult Mysteries

How to survive the Festive Season by attuning with the positive power of the Light.

Philosophy and Theology

The Game of Life

An occult investigation of the origins, history and esoteric meaning of chess and the ancient Egyptian game of senet.

Entering into Light

An occult investigation of the ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead in three parts

Yoga Unveiled

An occult investigation of the origins, philosophy, and principles and practise of yoga in three parts. Published in January, March and May 2023.

Egyptian Enigma

An occult interpretation of an ancient Egyptian enigmatical eschatological text.

Egyptian Epistle

An occult investigation of the correspondence between the philosopher Porphyry and the Egyptian priest Abammon.

The Wisdom of China

An investigation of the philosophy and folklore of ancient China in two parts.

The Zend Avesta

An investigation of the sacred text of Persia and some of the occult truths it contains.

Opusculum philosophica

The lives and teachings of three important philosophers in three parts.

Treacherous Texts

An investigation of the many flaws and errors to be found in sacred texts.

Esoteric Philosophy

An occult investigation of Philosophy in three parts from the founders of Greek philosophy to the present day.

Spiritus Hermeticum

An investigation of the origins of Hermeticism and the true teachings of Hermes Trismegistus in 12 parts.

Hermetic Philosophy of ancient Egypt

An appreciation and review of The Kybalion

Tibetan Buddhism unveiled

An investigation of the origins, history, teachings and practises of Tibetan Buddhism together with an account of the life and teachings of the Buddha in three parts.

The Chicken and the Egg

An occult investigation of the age-old philosophical dilemma

Eschatology and Judgement

Ascent from Death to Life

The true account of one man's extraordinary near-death experience adapted from My Descent Into Death: A Second Chance at Life by Howard Storm.

Apocalypse 2017!

An investigation of the 'Doomsday' and 'Rapture' prophecies connected with the entrance of the Sun into the zodiacal sign of Libra in September 2017.

End of the world predictions

We examine the prediction that the world would 'end' on 21 December 2012.

21 December 2012

We investigate the claims that this date heralded a "pole shift in consciousness".

The Weighing of the Heart

An occult investigation of the ancient Egyptian mystery of the Judgement of the Dead.

Occult History

The legacy of Atlantis

An investigation in three parts of the migrations of the Atlanteans and the colonies they founded around the world.

The story of Atlantis

An investigation of Plato's account of Atlantis: it's history, arts and sciences.


Separating fact from the fancies that surround the subject of Atlantis.

The Wisdom of the Druids

An interpretation of the wisdom teachings of the Druids.

The Mystery of the Druids

We investigate the origins, rites, beliefs and teachings of the Druids.

The Mystery of Stonehenge

Who built Britain's enigmatic prehistoric monument and why? We investigate the theories and the facts. In our customary afterword we examine the connection between Amber and the Solar cult in Britain.

Egypt in England

An investigation of the evidence for an ancient Egyptian colony in the British Isles more than 3,500 years ago.

The Arts

Symbolism in ancient Egyptian Art

An occult investigation of the hidden meaning to be found in ancient Egyptian paintings.

The Messiah unveiled

An investigation of the esoteric truths concealed in the libretto of Handel's Messiah.

The Magic of Music

An investigation of the occult nature of music and its power for good and evil.

The Magic of Poetry

Part one of an investigation of the concealed wisdom in sublime poetry.
We discuss the difference between poetastery and poetry and analyse some poems by Omar Khayyæm, Shakespeare, Keats, Milton, Spenser and Dante.

Prometheus unveiled

Part two of an investigation of the concealed wisdom in sublime poetry.
Esoteric meaning in Shelley's metaphysical drama Prometheus Unbound.

Visions of Light

An appreciation of the paintings of Tuco Amalfi and a commentary on Visionary Art.

Magic of Art

An investigation of the magical power of art for good and evil.

Occult Literature

Occult books

Reviewed and recommended for sincere seekers after Truth and Wisdom.

A Christmas Carol unwrapped

An occult appreciation of Charles Dickens' ghost story by John Temple.

The broken Violin

An allegorical tale for those who wish to learn the science of symbolism.

The Jihadi and the Jinn

A tale of the East for those who would be Wise and a brief review of the life and teachings of the Prophet Mohammed.

The Elfin Queen

A most unusual Fairy-tale by J Michaud PhD which contains many occult truths.

The Rhododendrons

In this true short story by J Michaud PhD the author reveals why Nature is the greatest Book of Wisdom ever written and how to read its mysteries.

The Bronze Mirror

A past-life in ancient Egypt recalled through psychometry by J Michaud PhD.

Meditation; or the Way of Escape

A tall tale in which are hidden in the daftest possible manner a host of real occult truths.

The Adept and the Imp

This amusing story contains a number of Occult teachings in a concealed manner.

The Road goes ever on

A three-part investigation of the esotericism in J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, the author's mythos, legendarium and involvement with Occultism.

Religious quotes and occult maxims

From occultists, philosophers, and the Sacred Texts of all times and places.

Health and Wellbeing

Veni, vidi, vaxi

An investigation of the lies surrounding the Covid-19 virus and vaccination programme.

The War on Death

The coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic and the fear of death.

Mad Covid Disease

An investigation of the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic.

Health and the occult student

We discuss health and medicine from the perspective of Occult Science, and consider some of the better-known alternative therapies.

The Temple of Man

An occult investigation of the human body and some of its mysteries.

Vegetarianism, Spirituality and Health

An investigation of vegetarianism, spirituality and health in the light of Occult Science.

Readers' contributions

Several contributors have sent us their work over the years on a wide variety of occult, scientific, mystical and philosophical subjects. If you feel you have the ability and desire to contribute to our work of disseminating occult knowledge and truth, you will find information on what we are looking for and how to submit your work to us on our Readers Comments page. Contributions are listed in alphabetical order by author, newest submissions first. Authors who have made only one contribution are shown last.


What readers are saying about this website—regularly updated.

A. S.

The madeleine moment

Further thoughts on the usages of Memory and attunement with Nature.

Divine duty to Remember

Thoughts on the usages and direction of Memory.

Gabrielle Annunziato

Frying tonight!

A salutary story about the weaponisation of warmth, the scourge of sunshine and the evils of Net Zero, and an analysis of the agenda behind it.

Do they know it's Christmas?

A tall tale about Santa, pandemics, scientists and politicians.

Sheep, goats, ravens and toads

A wry look at the follies and foibles of mankind.

A modern Easter

A humorous retelling of the Bible story of the Last Supper.

The perils of Paganism

A wry look at the modern celebration of Christmas.

A modern Nativity

A humorous and perceptive pastiche of the well-known Christmas story subtitled 'a tonic for the tired and emotional at Christmas.'

Mel Cairn


A strange phenomenon explained.


An allegory of the illusions and follies of men.

Erika Hahn

The Monkey Puzzle Tree

An anthropoidal allegory for those in search of Truth.

Hidden Wisdom in Fairy-tales

An investigation of the hidden meaning in Cinderella, Brier Rose and Rumpelstiltskin.

The Divine Lady

An allegory for the Few of the earthly reward of Virtue.

The Shadow that turned

A fairy-tale about the thorny path to enlightenment.

The Wise Fish

An instructive allegory for Young and Old adapted from a children's story by Joan Grant.

The Scientist and the flower Fairy

A modern fairy-tale for enquiring minds.

The descent of Ishtar into the underworld

An interpretation of the esoteric meaning of an ancient myth.

The Magic Pearls

A fairy-tale for Wise Adults and Uncommon Children.

Seán Mac Gréine

The Holder of the Hand

A short story of an eventful past life lived in Nineveh.

The tale of Oisín

A Druid morality tale for wise adults and curious children.

The Importance of Being Humble

The virtue and uses of Humility on the path to the Light.

The power of Patience

The importance of Patience in our pursuit of Wisdom.

Prodigal Brother — poetry

The Lady of the Bluebells

An inspirational poem about Nature.

Phoenix Rising

An inspirational poem about the search for Truth and meaning.

Paul G. Vaughan

The Wings of Eros

An investigation of the ancient conception of Eros and its relationship to Wisdom.

The Sacred Boat

The author interprets the meaning in a recreation of an ancient Egyptian painting.

The Ascent to the Beautiful

An occult investigation of the meaning and essence of Beauty and the beautiful.

Cosmic Evolution

Viruses, Panspermia and the Mystery of the Grail.

Review of The Quest of Ruru

The author reviews this rare classic of occult literature by J Michaud PhD.

Review of The Teachings of Li Wang Ho

A review of the teachings of a forgotten Chinese Sage.

Greg Wade

How to study The Secret Doctrine

A helpful road map for those daunted by the sheer size and complexity of Madame Blavatsky's masterwork.

The Gift of Nature

A reminder of the power of Nature to comfort, calm and inspire us.

The Mirror of Accountability

Facing the fears and uncertainties of life.

The power of Forgiveness

The personal proofs of the power of Forgiveness.

The Art of Dying

The author shares his thoughts on the subject of death.

Down the rabbit hole. . .and up into Wonderland

The author describes his eventful journey in search of Truth.

Rose Wood

Keeping my Peace

A reader's continuing story of her struggle to hold on to Inner Peace.

Letting go

A reader's story of her struggle to find Inner Peace.

Single contributors

Shamanic Medicine

A personal account of taking Ayahuasca, a critique of so-called 'Shamanic Medicine', and the dangers of psychedelic drugs by Amber.

A word to those who lurk

An anonymous reader shares his discovery of our website and what it means to him.

The books of J Michaud PhD

A personal appreciation of the author's books by Theodore Baum.

Death to Life: my path to unity

A reader's personal journey from darkness into Light and an eloquent analysis of the evils of suicide by Eve Bennett.

What it means to be a fool

Sol Bloomfield describes her quest for knowledge with gentle humour and humility.

From war to Peace

One reader's moving story of their search for Truth by Kurt Flaxman.

Contemplating Stones

A reader's thoughts on the subject of stones by P. G.

Message of the Kosmos

A reader's story of his search for Truth by B. A. George.

Web of Wisdom

A reader's journey to the Light by Aava Meriläinen.

A Voyage of Discovery

A reader's tale of the search for Truth by Jack Samuel.

Homeward Bound

Three inspirational poems by Mason Warden.

This page was last updated on 13 October 2024 — © Copyright

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